
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
LTB | Sekai
hero icon robin icon chrom icon
Beginner None -
fox icon falco icon
Doing okay Some -
king_k_rool icon donkey_kong icon king_dedede icon
Advanced A little -
HOG | Darkstalker
terry icon kazuya icon sonic icon
Professional A large amount -
toon_link icon peach icon young_link icon
Beginner A little -
RES | Venom
kirby icon ness icon
Advanced A lot -
sora icon
Noob A little -
pokemon_trainer icon
Beginner None -
ken icon ryu icon
Doing okay Some -
Big Fish | BF | Colm
king_dedede icon
Advanced A lot -
Mayhem | Chidz
lucario icon
Noob A little -
dark_samus icon ridley icon sephiroth icon
Intermediate Some -
isabelle icon
Doing okay Some -
Focus Miss
pokemon_trainer icon donkey_kong icon
Intermediate A large amount -
kazuya icon
Intermediate A lot -
dark_pit icon
Doing okay Some -
LUGES | C. Aureus
lucario icon
Advanced Some -
bowser icon
Doing okay A little -
ness icon joker icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate Some -
LTB | Memester06
marth icon cloud icon
Doing okay A little -
samus icon young_link icon greninja icon
Expert Some -
MU | Alumento
shulk icon min_min icon bowser icon
Intermediate A lot -
John Barrett
pac_man icon
Intermediate A lot -
DHG | IronDan
king_dedede icon meta_knight icon donkey_kong icon
Doing okay Some -
ganondorf icon bowser icon ridley icon
Intermediate A lot -
piranha_plant icon pichu icon
Beginner A little -
richter icon
Advanced Some -
BS | Sass
chrom icon sheik icon mii_brawler icon
Otherworldly A lot -
pit icon dark_pit icon
Otherworldly A little -
MunchEsports | General Scales
pyra_and_mythra icon bowser icon
Beginner None -
MunchEsports | LilBlueFox
corrin icon lucina icon inkling icon
Beginner None -
mario icon corrin icon palutena icon
Beginner None -
steve icon falco icon sonic icon
Noob None -
villager icon mii_brawler icon dr_mario icon
Intermediate A lot -
roy icon
Beginner None -
little_mac icon little_mac icon little_mac icon
Intermediate Some -
WAR | Selasi
mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay Some -
Galli-pila | Bosi360
ganondorf icon simon icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay Some -
lucario icon ryu icon ice_climbers icon
Beginner None -
TND | rionny
greninja icon bowser icon sonic icon
Intermediate Some -
Munch Esport | Sneak
roy icon
Doing okay A lot -
TTD | TLS | Harri
samus icon dark_samus icon
Intermediate None -
TLS | BackBone
sora icon daisy icon sonic icon
Intermediate Some -
yoshi icon yoshi icon yoshi icon
Otherworldly Some -
Horde | Galaxy
captain_falcon icon fox icon
Doing okay Some -
fox icon inkling icon wolf icon
Intermediate A lot -
Green de la Bean
hero icon wolf icon captain_falcon icon
Intermediate Some -
mii_brawler icon
Noob None -
FCE | EnterMidnight
kirby icon terry icon
Doing okay A little -
mewtwo icon pokemon_trainer icon
Beginner None -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
hero icon LTB | Sekai north_west image North West 23 Male
fox icon Neonradish north_east image North East 27 Male
king_k_rool icon SpaceboyG south_east image South East 17 Male Primarily heavy main, got anything wrong with that? (Also...
terry icon HOG | Darkstalker london image London 22 Male The French are Free
toon_link icon Hurricane north_east image North East 21 Male
kirby icon RES | Venom london image London 21 Male
sora icon MrCooky midlands image Midlands 30 Male Casual AF but want to get a bit better
pokemon_trainer icon Crj2002 wales image Wales Male
ken icon Howla yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 25 Male Tatsu Time
king_dedede icon Big Fish | BF | Colm northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 23 Male Irish King dedede main trying to get better
lucario icon Mayhem | Chidz south_east image South East 27 Male
dark_samus icon Fall_Lad wales image Wales 18 Male Hi I'm Fall Lad. I like falling
isabelle icon Octageist midlands image Midlands 22 Male Life is beach, and what I do with the sand is none of you...
pokemon_trainer icon Focus Miss london image London 24 Male All Focus.
kazuya icon Onecampbell13 midlands image Midlands 35 Male
dark_pit icon ilysolar ireland image Ireland 19 Male Gaming Lets go baby Oh yeah
lucario icon LUGES | C. Aureus north_west image North West 24 Male Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?...
bowser icon sketch wales image Wales 24 Male Bristol/Wales
ness icon Blueboy_ssb north_west image North West 21 Male #00bbff is a hex code for deep sky blue, don't ask me again.
marth icon LTB | Memester06 south_east image South East 18 Male Founding LTB member Still finding my footing but one ...
samus icon LTB | CK northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 18 Male Yes
shulk icon MU | Alumento ireland image Ireland 24 Male
pac_man icon John Barrett ireland image Ireland 22 Male
king_dedede icon DHG | IronDan ireland image Ireland 22 Male
ganondorf icon PotFriend ireland image Ireland 18 Female I fucking hate that Graham
piranha_plant icon Dmitrii ireland image Ireland 29 Male 🥂🍻
richter icon Ire ireland image Ireland 19 Other I am SO real
chrom icon BS | Sass south_east image South East 32 Male
pit icon Seal ireland image Ireland 19 Male Mozambique Drill you already know what's going on like
pyra_and_mythra icon MunchEsports | General Scales yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 28 Male Rob main
corrin icon MunchEsports | LilBlueFox yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber Female
mario icon Jimbits
steve icon Komodo east_of_england image East of England 23 Male i play way more than 5 chars so here's 3 of them lmao
villager icon Quackery midlands image Midlands 20 Male the last remaining villager player since smash4
roy icon Dubious north_west image North West 30 Male
little_mac icon 1HandRyan midlands image Midlands 25 Male
mr_game_and_watch icon WAR | Selasi south_east image South East 21 Male LET'S GO MK!!! g&w stocks stay rising <3
ganondorf icon Galli-pila | Bosi360 london image London 22 Male Excited to get better :)
lucario icon Patient north_west image North West 24 Female Trans rights
greninja icon TND | rionny midlands image Midlands 26 Male
roy icon Munch Esport | Sneak yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 29 Male
samus icon TTD | TLS | Harri 16 Male
sora icon TLS | BackBone south_west image South West 21 Other
yoshi icon TGP | FAT USOPP yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 26 Male I play pink yoshi, suffer :)
captain_falcon icon Horde | Galaxy 23 Female I'm tryna be the best commentator I can be, but being goo...
fox icon FrinkZz scotland image Scotland 26 Male
hero icon Green de la Bean midlands image Midlands 21 Male Hero Main
mii_brawler icon ASDSteven northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 20 Male Really inconsistent, stubborn, and trying to improve, hea...
kirby icon FCE | EnterMidnight yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 24 Male Poyo Poyo ftw
mewtwo icon Peeteus north_west image North West 20 Male
Gamer tag Roles
hero icon LTB | Sekai Player
fox icon Neonradish Player TO
king_k_rool icon SpaceboyG Player
terry icon HOG | Darkstalker Coach Player
toon_link icon Hurricane Player
kirby icon RES | Venom Player
sora icon MrCooky Player
pokemon_trainer icon Crj2002 Player
ken icon Howla Player
king_dedede icon Big Fish | BF | Colm Player
lucario icon Mayhem | Chidz Player
dark_samus icon Fall_Lad Player
isabelle icon Octageist Player
pokemon_trainer icon Focus Miss Caster Player TO
kazuya icon Onecampbell13 Player
dark_pit icon ilysolar Designer Player
lucario icon LUGES | C. Aureus Player
bowser icon sketch Player
ness icon Blueboy_ssb Content creator Player Streamer
marth icon LTB | Memester06 Player
samus icon LTB | CK Player
shulk icon MU | Alumento Player
pac_man icon John Barrett Player Streamer
king_dedede icon DHG | IronDan Caster Player
ganondorf icon PotFriend Player
piranha_plant icon Dmitrii Player
richter icon Ire Player
chrom icon BS | Sass Player TO
pit icon Seal Player
pyra_and_mythra icon MunchEsports | General Scales Player
corrin icon MunchEsports | LilBlueFox Player
mario icon Jimbits Player
steve icon Komodo Player
villager icon Quackery Player TO
roy icon Dubious Player
little_mac icon 1HandRyan Player
mr_game_and_watch icon WAR | Selasi Content creator Player
ganondorf icon Galli-pila | Bosi360 Player
lucario icon Patient Player
greninja icon TND | rionny Player
roy icon Munch Esport | Sneak Player
samus icon TTD | TLS | Harri Player
sora icon TLS | BackBone Player
yoshi icon TGP | FAT USOPP Player TO
captain_falcon icon Horde | Galaxy Caster Player Streamer
fox icon FrinkZz Caster Designer Player
hero icon Green de la Bean Player
mii_brawler icon ASDSteven Player
kirby icon FCE | EnterMidnight Photographer Player Team manager
mewtwo icon Peeteus Player Streamer
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