
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
snake icon
Professional None -
Oh shit it's | ShaolinSouthpaw
king_dedede icon incineroar icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
lucario icon diddy_kong icon
Intermediate A lot -
lucas icon
Beginner None -
link icon sonic icon simon icon
Intermediate A lot -
inkling icon wolf icon
Doing okay Some -
Showtime! | Kazooey
banjo_and_kazooie icon toon_link icon kirby icon
Doing okay A lot -
lucas icon king_dedede icon
Noob A little -
pokemon_trainer icon
Beginner None -
ryu icon ken icon joker icon
Doing okay A little -
GCS Owls | Mr. Sneaky
pac_man icon
Noob Some -
sonic icon
Intermediate A large amount -
Pauls Taxis | BigManOrnstein
donkey_kong icon joker icon joker icon
Beginner Some -
terry icon ken icon ryu icon
Intermediate Some -
piranha_plant icon sephiroth icon isabelle icon
Intermediate A little -
zelda icon kirby icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
yoshi icon
Intermediate Some -
YTS | Spenpai
cloud icon joker icon mario icon
Intermediate A lot -
wolf icon zelda icon
Noob Some -
bowser icon
Doing okay A little -
yoshi icon sheik icon pikachu icon
Advanced A large amount -
SP | Jonesy
peach icon terry icon
Doing okay Some -
incineroar icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay Some -
link icon pit icon toon_link icon
Doing okay Some -
TGP | Jamception
mega_man icon hero icon
Doing okay A lot -
kazuya icon zero_suit_samus icon
Intermediate A lot -
MunchEsports | LilBlueFox
corrin icon lucina icon inkling icon
Beginner None -
yoshi icon
Doing okay Some -
joker icon sora icon
Otherworldly Some -
donkey_kong icon
Doing okay Some -
joker icon
Doing okay Some -
Dr Crazy
joker icon
Otherworldly Some -
robin icon hero icon ganondorf icon
Advanced A lot -
OVD | Hexisbex
luigi icon banjo_and_kazooie icon
Intermediate A large amount -
ICON | Turters
min_min icon kirby icon hero icon
Noob A lot -
SP & OVD | Red
pokemon_trainer icon wolf icon
Intermediate Some -
king_k_rool icon ridley icon piranha_plant icon
Intermediate A little -
SSM | Luma-nati
rosalina_and_luma icon incineroar icon
Doing okay A large amount -
Polygon | Igris
king_k_rool icon joker icon palutena icon
Doing okay Some -
bowser icon wolf icon samus icon
Doing okay A large amount -
fox icon captain_falcon icon wolf icon
Beginner A little -
Playwell | FriskyCissin
inkling icon pyra_and_mythra icon roy icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
rob icon pikachu icon
Doing okay A lot -
Polygon | Achilles
mii_brawler icon donkey_kong icon wolf icon
Noob Some -
Polygon | Thagin
pokemon_trainer icon little_mac icon mii_brawler icon
Intermediate A lot -
SP | Ginge
diddy_kong icon
Doing okay A large amount -
lucas icon
Advanced Some -
little_mac icon ganondorf icon roy icon
Intermediate None -
cloud icon
Doing okay A little -
joker icon
Noob A little -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
snake icon Hadderz wales image Wales 23 Male Goop
king_dedede icon Oh shit it's | ShaolinSouthpaw wales image Wales 32 Male What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you litt...
lucario icon Jovinus wales image Wales Play GGStrive or SFVI instead lmao
lucas icon Tethys wales image Wales 25 Male
link icon Chukobenga wales image Wales 29 Male All aboard through Benga Bus
inkling icon Samidge wales image Wales 21 Male
banjo_and_kazooie icon Showtime! | Kazooey wales image Wales 29 Male
lucas icon Gapjumper wales image Wales 26 Male
pokemon_trainer icon Crj2002 wales image Wales Male
ryu icon Jhayde wales image Wales 20 Female
pac_man icon GCS Owls | Mr. Sneaky wales image Wales 22 Male Bad but not
Guthix wales image Wales 26 Male
donkey_kong icon Pauls Taxis | BigManOrnstein wales image Wales 24 Other come on down, see devilishjoe.
terry icon ValentineUK wales image Wales 22 Other Ex-Competitive Welsh Smash player who now plays for casua...
piranha_plant icon TripleB45 wales image Wales 23 Male what does TripleB stand for? Who knows. Why 45? ...We don...
zelda icon MOW'n'SKI wales image Wales 27 Male SET GOAL HAVE A TEN YEAR PLAN INVEST WAKE UP EARLY C ...
yoshi icon Sushi wales image Wales 20 Male I love Yoshi, just trying my best :)
cloud icon YTS | Spenpai wales image Wales 26 Male
wolf icon Venus wales image Wales 19 Female Sometimes you just gotta sit back, relax and start shooti...
bowser icon sketch wales image Wales 24 Male Bristol/Wales
yoshi icon Revenga wales image Wales 31 Female Quack
peach icon SP | Jonesy yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 30 Male
incineroar icon aldi yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 22 Male did you know that if you soak a raisin in grape juice it ...
link icon Nelly! yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 25 Female Link legend of Zelda <3
mega_man icon TGP | Jamception yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 23 Male Omw to become a nuisance of a player to play against
kazuya icon Mittens yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 21 Male
corrin icon MunchEsports | LilBlueFox yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber Female
yoshi icon ambiguous yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber Male jab -> down b
joker icon LTB | WWH yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 17 Male Sekai is goat
donkey_kong icon Shmayd yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 25 Male retired kinda
joker icon Jaykob yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 24 Male
joker icon Dr Crazy yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 22 Other
robin icon WeedWizard yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 20 Male
luigi icon OVD | Hexisbex yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 26 Male
min_min icon ICON | Turters yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 21 Male Gaming
pokemon_trainer icon SP & OVD | Red yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 24 Male
king_k_rool icon Wonder yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 16 Male
rosalina_and_luma icon SSM | Luma-nati yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 27 Male
king_k_rool icon Polygon | Igris yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 28 Male
bowser icon JWadie yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 33 Male
fox icon DANGANRONPAFAN yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 23 Other I hate danganronpa I hate danganronpa I hate danganronpa ...
inkling icon Playwell | FriskyCissin yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber Male i am so fucking sick at this game
rob icon Benched yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 21 Male
mii_brawler icon Polygon | Achilles yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 25 Female 18-0 vs Benched
pokemon_trainer icon Polygon | Thagin yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 22 Other Owner of Polygon Esports TO for Leeds Legacy
diddy_kong icon SP | Ginge yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 28 Male TO for SmashPoint, Running weekly MeltingPoints on Wednes...
lucas icon Ktools yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 21 Other Lucas is high tier imo
little_mac icon JoeW2206 yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 18 Male Average Low-tier enjoyer
fung yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 20 Male fungus
joker icon NinjaKiero yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 23 Male Dr Crazy and Jamception are the best players in the UK :)
Gamer tag Roles
snake icon Hadderz Player
king_dedede icon Oh shit it's | ShaolinSouthpaw Player
lucario icon Jovinus Content creator Player
lucas icon Tethys Player
link icon Chukobenga Player
inkling icon Samidge Player
banjo_and_kazooie icon Showtime! | Kazooey Community editor Player TO
lucas icon Gapjumper Player
pokemon_trainer icon Crj2002 Player
ryu icon Jhayde Player
pac_man icon GCS Owls | Mr. Sneaky Player
Guthix Player Streamer
donkey_kong icon Pauls Taxis | BigManOrnstein Designer Player
terry icon ValentineUK Player Streamer
piranha_plant icon TripleB45 Player
zelda icon MOW'n'SKI Player TO
yoshi icon Sushi Player
cloud icon YTS | Spenpai Player
wolf icon Venus Player
bowser icon sketch Player
yoshi icon Revenga Designer Player Streamer
peach icon SP | Jonesy Caster Player TO
incineroar icon aldi Player
link icon Nelly! Player
mega_man icon TGP | Jamception Player TO
kazuya icon Mittens Player
corrin icon MunchEsports | LilBlueFox Player
yoshi icon ambiguous Player
joker icon LTB | WWH Player
donkey_kong icon Shmayd Streamer
joker icon Jaykob Player
joker icon Dr Crazy Player
robin icon WeedWizard Player
luigi icon OVD | Hexisbex Player TO
min_min icon ICON | Turters Player
pokemon_trainer icon SP & OVD | Red Caster Player TO
king_k_rool icon Wonder Player
rosalina_and_luma icon SSM | Luma-nati Admin Community editor Designer Player Streamer TO
king_k_rool icon Polygon | Igris Designer Player Streamer TO
bowser icon JWadie Player
fox icon DANGANRONPAFAN Player
inkling icon Playwell | FriskyCissin Player
rob icon Benched Player
mii_brawler icon Polygon | Achilles Player
pokemon_trainer icon Polygon | Thagin Caster Player Team manager TO
diddy_kong icon SP | Ginge Player TO
lucas icon Ktools Coach Player
little_mac icon JoeW2206 Player
fung Player
joker icon NinjaKiero Player
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