
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
Aura | MazeBeans
steve icon banjo_and_kazooie icon king_dedede icon
Otherworldly A lot -
TSS | Imzon
cloud icon kazuya icon
Advanced A lot -
horde | DrSqueakr
mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate A lot -
SHZ | Kirb0
kirby icon mario icon
Expert A lot -
BS | Sass
chrom icon sheik icon mii_brawler icon
Otherworldly A lot -
ice_climbers icon
Doing okay A lot -
kazuya icon zero_suit_samus icon
Intermediate A lot -
falco icon donkey_kong icon samus icon
Doing okay A lot -
fox icon ike icon
Otherworldly A lot -
pokemon_trainer icon
Doing okay A lot -
inkling icon roy icon robin icon
Beginner A large amount -
chrom icon cloud icon fox icon
Professional A large amount -
mario icon joker icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
NX/Horde | Loaf
mewtwo icon
Intermediate A large amount -
sora icon
Noob A large amount -
yoshi icon
Advanced A large amount -
Horde | Sma
bowser icon lucina icon
Doing okay A large amount -
bowser icon wolf icon samus icon
Doing okay A large amount -
Focus Miss
pokemon_trainer icon donkey_kong icon
Intermediate A large amount -
SSM | Tigerton
byleth icon roy icon
Advanced A large amount -
PRG | Luthor
little_mac icon falco icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
shulk icon pyra_and_mythra icon falco icon
Advanced A large amount -
kazuya icon ryu icon bowser_jr icon
Expert A large amount -
meta_knight icon meta_knight icon meta_knight icon
Intermediate A large amount -
wii_fit_trainer icon
Intermediate A large amount -
lucina icon roy icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
palutena icon
Intermediate A large amount -
ken icon wolf icon ryu icon
Advanced A large amount -
inkling icon joker icon
Expert A large amount -
pokemon_trainer icon byleth icon mii_brawler icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
CON | MaggieThatcher
lucina icon ganondorf icon greninja icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
Big Boy
mr_game_and_watch icon
Beginner A large amount -
Faso | GalaxyEJ
ness icon pichu icon joker icon
Intermediate A large amount -
Playwell | FriskyCissin
inkling icon pyra_and_mythra icon roy icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
Big Fish | RavenRabbit
chrom icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Expert A large amount -
king_dedede icon
Expert A large amount -
Cryme | Peli
sonic icon king_dedede icon mii_brawler icon
Professional A large amount -
sonic icon
Intermediate A large amount -
PRG | iTMe
diddy_kong icon
Advanced A large amount -
zelda icon kirby icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
ike icon kirby icon byleth icon
Advanced A large amount -
pokemon_trainer icon lucas icon roy icon
Doing okay A large amount -
pit icon palutena icon
Doing okay A large amount -
duck_hunt icon ice_climbers icon simon icon
Intermediate A large amount -
RST | Parablegreg
mario icon
Advanced A large amount -
TR | Captain.JJ
snake icon captain_falcon icon simon icon
Intermediate A large amount -
SSM | Charnucky
sora icon bayonetta icon
Doing okay A large amount -
robin icon samus icon dark_samus icon
Intermediate A large amount -
SSM | Junko
byleth icon pichu icon wolf icon
Doing okay A large amount -
bonnie swag money
king_k_rool icon king_k_rool icon king_k_rool icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
steve icon Aura | MazeBeans scotland image Scotland 19 Male THE mazebeans minecraft and world renowned minecraft and ...
cloud icon TSS | Imzon east_of_england image East of England 24 Male Owner of The Sixth Sense, member of G-Corporation, paneli...
mr_game_and_watch icon horde | DrSqueakr south_east image South East 21 Male
kirby icon SHZ | Kirb0 scotland image Scotland 18 Male
chrom icon BS | Sass south_east image South East 32 Male
ice_climbers icon Muppet scotland image Scotland 31 Male
kazuya icon Mittens yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 21 Male
falco icon Euan north_west image North West 24 Male
fox icon sandal south_east image South East 22 Male watch megalo box
pokemon_trainer icon red north_west image North West 23 Male 😈
inkling icon Brian ireland image Ireland 25 Male
chrom icon CurryGovernor north_east image North East 25 Male
mario icon Woodpug north_west image North West 23 Male i have never been outplayed in my life
mewtwo icon NX/Horde | Loaf south_west image South West 25 Other bread 👍
sora icon 2WDDATWSLAB | Soopah Talent? Never Heard of it.
yoshi icon Kylethh east_of_england image East of England 32 Male I'm the best
bowser icon Horde | Sma east_of_england image East of England 29 Male Smash Ultimate UK commentator, streamer, and professional...
bowser icon JWadie yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 33 Male
pokemon_trainer icon Focus Miss london image London 24 Male All Focus.
byleth icon SSM | Tigerton north_west image North West 27 Male
little_mac icon PRG | Luthor north_west image North West 26 Male
shulk icon RobbieAK47 london image London 28 Male
kazuya icon Royling north_west image North West 22 Male Ornstein and Smough from Dark Souls
meta_knight icon Cloaked south_west image South West 25 Male
wii_fit_trainer icon Blittle north_west image North West 26 Male
lucina icon JNg north_west image North West 20 Male ded
palutena icon Lyto north_east image North East 29 better than tigerton
ken icon Pik london image London 24 Male
inkling icon Claw midlands image Midlands 22 Male Cracked individual
pokemon_trainer icon FGSC | VKC 24 Male Irish Smash T.O. Join Smash Ireland:
lucina icon CON | MaggieThatcher scotland image Scotland Female If you ever lose to me your milk is getting snatched
mr_game_and_watch icon Big Boy east_of_england image East of England 25 Female I'm the biggest of boys
ness icon Faso | GalaxyEJ 23 Male
inkling icon Playwell | FriskyCissin yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber Male i am so fucking sick at this game
chrom icon Big Fish | RavenRabbit northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 23 Female I'm RavenRabbit, formerly known as Winter dreams. A prett...
king_dedede icon NutRoast london image London 27 Male Supporting the UK scene, One pint at a time.
sonic icon Cryme | Peli east_of_england image East of England 25 Male for coaching sessions
Guthix wales image Wales 26 Male
PRG | iTMe north_west image North West 25 Male
zelda icon MOW'n'SKI wales image Wales 27 Male SET GOAL HAVE A TEN YEAR PLAN INVEST WAKE UP EARLY C ...
ike icon G-P east_of_england image East of England 31 Male
pokemon_trainer icon Airfire south_east image South East 28 Male
pit icon Claus east_of_england image East of England 25 Male
duck_hunt icon DAT | JEFF HARDY OFF TH... london image London 27 Male
mario icon RST | Parablegreg scotland image Scotland 34 Male
snake icon TR | Captain.JJ midlands image Midlands 35 Male
SSM | Charnucky north_west image North West 29 Male yeah man
robin icon Samuroleon south_west image South West 25 Male better at mario odyssey and rayman legends than you
byleth icon SSM | Junko east_of_england image East of England 27 Male
king_k_rool icon bonnie swag money scotland image Scotland 22 Female washed
Gamer tag Roles
steve icon Aura | MazeBeans Content creator Player Streamer
cloud icon TSS | Imzon Player Streamer Team manager TO
mr_game_and_watch icon horde | DrSqueakr Player
kirby icon SHZ | Kirb0 Player
chrom icon BS | Sass Player TO
ice_climbers icon Muppet Player
kazuya icon Mittens Player
falco icon Euan Player
fox icon sandal Photographer Player
pokemon_trainer icon red Player
inkling icon Brian Player TO
chrom icon CurryGovernor Player Streamer TO
mario icon Woodpug Player TO
mewtwo icon NX/Horde | Loaf Player Streamer TO
sora icon 2WDDATWSLAB | Soopah Content creator News editor Player Team manager TO
yoshi icon Kylethh Player
bowser icon Horde | Sma Caster Content creator Player TO
bowser icon JWadie Player
pokemon_trainer icon Focus Miss Caster Player TO
byleth icon SSM | Tigerton Admin Community editor News editor Player Streamer TO
little_mac icon PRG | Luthor Content creator Player Streamer TO
shulk icon RobbieAK47 Player
kazuya icon Royling Player
meta_knight icon Cloaked Player
wii_fit_trainer icon Blittle Player
lucina icon JNg Player
palutena icon Lyto Player
ken icon Pik Player
inkling icon Claw Player
pokemon_trainer icon FGSC | VKC Caster Community editor Player Streamer TO
lucina icon CON | MaggieThatcher Player
mr_game_and_watch icon Big Boy Caster Player Streamer TO
ness icon Faso | GalaxyEJ Player
inkling icon Playwell | FriskyCissin Player
chrom icon Big Fish | RavenRabbit Player
king_dedede icon NutRoast Caster Content creator Photographer
sonic icon Cryme | Peli Coach Player
Guthix Player Streamer
PRG | iTMe Content creator Player TO
zelda icon MOW'n'SKI Player TO
ike icon G-P Caster Coach Player Streamer TO
pokemon_trainer icon Airfire Caster Photographer Player
pit icon Claus Player
duck_hunt icon DAT | JEFF HARDY OFF TH... Player Team manager TO
mario icon RST | Parablegreg Player
snake icon TR | Captain.JJ Content creator Player Streamer TO
SSM | Charnucky Player TO
robin icon Samuroleon Player
byleth icon SSM | Junko Admin Player TO
king_k_rool icon bonnie swag money Player TO
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