
Gamer tag Mains Auto Avaliação XP W/L
eSpores | NUTLORD
samus icon
Noob Alguma -
palutena icon mario icon ness icon
Intermédio Muita -
sheik icon ken icon
Ok Imensa -
Showtime! | Kazooey
banjo_and_kazooie icon toon_link icon kirby icon
Ok Muita -
pit icon dark_pit icon
Ok Muita -
chrom icon
Ok Alguma -
Munch Esport | Sneak
roy icon
Ok Muita -
piranha_plant icon pichu icon
Iniciante Pouca -
J-squad | Top Player Lucretio
rob icon rob icon
Especialista Imensa -
Mag tu
isabelle icon kirby icon wolf icon
Fora deste mundo Nenhuma -
Major Tom
greninja icon lucas icon
Intermédio Imensa -
rob icon steve icon
Intermédio Muita -
roy icon zelda icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Intermédio Alguma -
SP | Ginge
diddy_kong icon
Ok Imensa -
little_mac icon terry icon rob icon
Noob Pouca -
pikachu icon mewtwo icon sora icon
Avançado Nenhuma -
TR | Degalla
greninja icon sephiroth icon dark_samus icon
Noob Nenhuma -
marth icon lucina icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Intermédio Alguma -
palutena icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Intermédio Muita -
Polygon | Igris
king_k_rool icon joker icon palutena icon
Ok Alguma -
rob icon
Ok Muita -
MunchEsports | General Scales
pyra_and_mythra icon bowser icon
Iniciante Nenhuma -
THS | Xehamork
pac_man icon
Ok Muita -
pokemon_trainer icon lucas icon roy icon
Ok Imensa -
TR | nero
marth icon
Iniciante Pouca -
yoshi icon
Fora deste mundo Muita -
bowser icon
Avançado Nenhuma -
shulk icon pyra_and_mythra icon falco icon
Avançado Imensa -
toon_link icon inkling icon lucina icon
Noob Pouca -
mega_man icon
Ok Muita -
MC | MCPickle
incineroar icon samus icon
Ok Alguma -
THS | Mike
byleth icon
Intermédio Muita -
chet hank hill
lucina icon falco icon sheik icon
Ok Alguma -
Junk Dog
sora icon
Intermédio Muita -
falco icon shulk icon
Intermédio Imensa -
kirby icon incineroar icon
Ok Alguma -
WS | NaTu
zero_suit_samus icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Ok Muita -
zelda icon kirby icon
Fora deste mundo Imensa -
duck_hunt icon ice_climbers icon simon icon
Intermédio Imensa -
fox icon falco icon
Ok Alguma -
VONC | ExKirby
mii_gunner icon kirby icon mii_gunner icon
Ok Muita -
Team Regen | VERD Fora deste mundo Imensa -
WAR | kizzo212
pokemon_trainer icon ness icon random icon
Ok Muita -
Mayhem | Chidz
lucario icon
Noob Pouca -
THS | MaxD
wii_fit_trainer icon
Fora deste mundo Muita -
SSM | Luma-nati
rosalina_and_luma icon incineroar icon
Ok Imensa -
MANIA | Vyrus
pikachu icon
Ok Alguma -
ELS DAT UKIE | AggresiveDuck
king_dedede icon king_dedede icon king_dedede icon
Intermédio Imensa -
king_dedede icon
Especialista Imensa -
SSM | Tigerton
byleth icon roy icon
Avançado Imensa -
Gamer tag Region Idade Genero Comentário
samus icon eSpores | NUTLORD north_west image North West 29 Macho
palutena icon Spamothy yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 29 Macho Artwork:
sheik icon Schilt scotland image Scotland 29 Macho
banjo_and_kazooie icon Showtime! | Kazooey wales image Wales 29 Macho
pit icon Fake-BigWeld north_west image North West 29 Macho Main Pit/Dark Pit and trying my best to be considered a "...
chrom icon mazz north_east image North East 29 Macho
roy icon Munch Esport | Sneak yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 29 Macho
piranha_plant icon Dmitrii ireland image Ireland 29 Macho 🥂🍻
rob icon J-squad | Top Player Lucretio midlands image Midlands 29 Macho The Top Player Himself.
isabelle icon Mag tu north_west image North West 28 Macho Currently serving time in prison.
greninja icon Major Tom south_east image South East 28 Macho
rob icon Vivi north_east image North East 28 Fêmea yeah
roy icon Sui 28 Macho
diddy_kong icon SP | Ginge yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 28 Macho TO for SmashPoint, Running weekly MeltingPoints on Wednes...
little_mac icon anchifomu yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 28 Macho ko punch and fsmash go brrrrrrr
pikachu icon Joshawott east_of_england image East of England 28 Macho I want to be challenged
greninja icon TR | Degalla midlands image Midlands 28 Macho I'm alright at that streaming thing.
marth icon Prowerrr london image London 28 Macho Watch Monogatari 🫡
palutena icon Hitei south_east image South East 28 Macho
king_k_rool icon Polygon | Igris yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 28 Macho
TaleOfTheToaster north_east image North East 28 Macho Subscribe
pyra_and_mythra icon MunchEsports | General Scales yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 28 Macho Rob main
pac_man icon THS | Xehamork north_west image North West 28 Macho
pokemon_trainer icon Airfire south_east image South East 28 Macho
marth icon TR | nero midlands image Midlands 28 Macho And now, my soul, is saying it wants to STOP YOU
yoshi icon NintenDan south_west image South West 28 Macho
bowser icon Jhorx london image London 28 Macho
shulk icon RobbieAK47 london image London 28 Macho
toon_link icon Faeylz london image London 28 Macho
mega_man icon Regenix north_west image North West 28 Macho North West TO for the Liverpool/Manchester area. Any ques...
incineroar icon MC | MCPickle midlands image Midlands 28 Macho
byleth icon THS | Mike north_west image North West 28 Macho
lucina icon chet hank hill north_east image North East 28 Macho ass
sora icon Junk Dog south_west image South West 28 Macho Come to LFG! It's in Bristol!
falco icon BandanaT midlands image Midlands 28 Macho
kirby icon Kenomorph north_west image North West 28 “Hiiiiiii!” - Kirby
zero_suit_samus icon WS | NaTu south_east image South East 27 Macho
zelda icon MOW'n'SKI wales image Wales 27 Macho SET GOAL HAVE A TEN YEAR PLAN INVEST WAKE UP EARLY C ...
duck_hunt icon DAT | JEFF HARDY OFF TH... london image London 27 Macho
fox icon Neonradish north_east image North East 27 Macho
mii_gunner icon VONC | ExKirby east_of_england image East of England 27 whomst
Team Regen | VERD
south_east image South East 27 Macho
pokemon_trainer icon WAR | kizzo212 midlands image Midlands 27 Macho
lucario icon Mayhem | Chidz south_east image South East 27 Macho
wii_fit_trainer icon THS | MaxD north_west image North West 27 Macho
rosalina_and_luma icon SSM | Luma-nati yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 27 Macho
pikachu icon MANIA | Vyrus south_east image South East 27 Macho
king_dedede icon ELS DAT UKIE | AggresiveDuck east_of_england image East of England 27 Macho
king_dedede icon NutRoast london image London 27 Macho Supporting the UK scene, One pint at a time.
byleth icon SSM | Tigerton north_west image North West 27 Macho
Gamer tag Funções
samus icon eSpores | NUTLORD Jogador
palutena icon Spamothy Jogador TO
sheik icon Schilt Jogador
banjo_and_kazooie icon Showtime! | Kazooey Editor de comunidade Jogador TO
pit icon Fake-BigWeld Jogador
chrom icon mazz Jogador
roy icon Munch Esport | Sneak Jogador
piranha_plant icon Dmitrii Jogador
rob icon J-squad | Top Player Lucretio Jogador Streamer
isabelle icon Mag tu Fotógrafo Jogador
greninja icon Major Tom Caster Jogador
rob icon Vivi Caster Jogador
roy icon Sui Jogador
diddy_kong icon SP | Ginge Jogador TO
little_mac icon anchifomu Jogador
pikachu icon Joshawott Jogador
greninja icon TR | Degalla Treinador Designer Jogador Streamer TO
marth icon Prowerrr Jogador
palutena icon Hitei Jogador
king_k_rool icon Polygon | Igris Designer Jogador Streamer TO
TaleOfTheToaster Caster Criador de conteudo Jogador
pyra_and_mythra icon MunchEsports | General Scales Jogador
pac_man icon THS | Xehamork Jogador TO
pokemon_trainer icon Airfire Caster Fotógrafo Jogador
marth icon TR | nero Jogador TO
yoshi icon NintenDan Criador de conteudo Designer Jogador Streamer
bowser icon Jhorx Jogador
shulk icon RobbieAK47 Jogador
toon_link icon Faeylz Jogador TO
mega_man icon Regenix Jogador TO
incineroar icon MC | MCPickle Caster Jogador TO
byleth icon THS | Mike Jogador
lucina icon chet hank hill Jogador
sora icon Junk Dog Jogador TO
falco icon BandanaT Jogador Streamer TO
kirby icon Kenomorph Jogador
zero_suit_samus icon WS | NaTu Jogador TO
zelda icon MOW'n'SKI Jogador TO
duck_hunt icon DAT | JEFF HARDY OFF TH... Jogador Gerente de equipa TO
fox icon Neonradish Jogador TO
mii_gunner icon VONC | ExKirby Caster Jogador
Team Regen | VERD
Fotógrafo TO
pokemon_trainer icon WAR | kizzo212 Editor de comunidade Jogador Gerente de equipa TO
lucario icon Mayhem | Chidz Jogador
wii_fit_trainer icon THS | MaxD Jogador TO
rosalina_and_luma icon SSM | Luma-nati Administrador Editor de comunidade Designer Jogador Streamer TO
pikachu icon MANIA | Vyrus Jogador TO
king_dedede icon ELS DAT UKIE | AggresiveDuck Jogador TO
king_dedede icon NutRoast Caster Criador de conteudo Fotógrafo
byleth icon SSM | Tigerton Administrador Editor de comunidade Editor de notícias Jogador Streamer TO
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