
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
kazuya icon sephiroth icon mario icon
Doing okay None -
ike icon
Noob A little -
olimar icon olimar icon olimar icon
Otherworldly None -
snake icon joker icon roy icon
Noob Some -
zelda icon
Beginner None -
DrowsyKat Beginner None -
lucina icon lucina icon lucina icon
Intermediate None -
jigglypuff icon ness icon little_mac icon
Beginner A little -
SMPR | Asura
pokemon_trainer icon cloud icon
Doing okay Some -
Hawk-Eye | sab_by
captain_falcon icon wario icon
Professional Some -
eSpores | wojeh
snake icon
Intermediate Some -
marth icon ken icon sora icon
Advanced None -
piranha_plant icon byleth icon zelda icon
Intermediate None -
Galli-pila | Bosi360
ganondorf icon simon icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay Some -
pyra_and_mythra icon sora icon roy icon
Expert None -
duck_hunt icon ice_climbers icon simon icon
Intermediate A large amount -
pac_man icon
Doing okay Some -
ryu icon kazuya icon cloud icon
Doing okay None -
cloud icon kazuya icon
Beginner None -
Focus Miss
pokemon_trainer icon donkey_kong icon
Intermediate A large amount -
J-squad | Blues
roy icon hero icon pit icon
Beginner A little -
marth icon
Noob Some -
captain_falcon icon fox icon zero_suit_samus icon
Intermediate Some -
king_dedede icon
Expert A large amount -
yoshi icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
bowser icon
Intermediate Some -
0-6 | Or4nge
joker icon zero_suit_samus icon lucina icon
Doing okay Some -
toon_link icon meta_knight icon chrom icon
Doing okay A lot -
marth icon
Noob A little -
falco icon lucina icon byleth icon
Beginner A little -
byleth icon shulk icon
Otherworldly A lot -
based yuri
steve icon pichu icon snake icon
Intermediate Some -
isabelle icon lucas icon
Intermediate Some -
UOP | PenguinOfLite
rosalina_and_luma icon zelda icon zelda icon
Doing okay None -
ness icon
Advanced A lot -
joker icon inkling icon hero icon
Doing okay A little -
WAR | Skaws
toon_link icon hero icon
Advanced A lot -
yoshi icon young_link icon
Doing okay A lot -
pokemon_trainer icon
Doing okay A lot -
wario icon olimar icon young_link icon
Doing okay A lot -
villager icon mii_brawler icon dr_mario icon
Intermediate A lot -
pikachu icon
Intermediate A large amount -
peach icon
Doing okay A little -
joker icon zelda icon snake icon
Doing okay None -
LSU | Kars
mario icon
Doing okay A lot -
villager icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Otherworldly A lot -
sora icon rosalina_and_luma icon
Advanced A lot -
inkling icon joker icon
Expert A large amount -
link icon lucina icon fox icon
Advanced Some -
Captain Koi
olimar icon
Intermediate Some -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
kazuya icon JustJoker london image London 18 Male
ike icon Yashu london image London 19 Male
olimar icon Kasu london image London 20 Male if you bring a rivals setup to a tournament (preferably a...
snake icon Kodiak london image London 19 Male hehehehaw
zelda icon EqualsBracket london image London 23 Male grrr...I am very angry...grrrrr...
london image London 20 Other
lucina icon DB london image London 31 Male
jigglypuff icon Mr.Slapnuts london image London 20 Male It would be so awesome...It would be so cool...
pokemon_trainer icon SMPR | Asura london image London 22 Male
captain_falcon icon Hawk-Eye | sab_by london image London 21 Male yo mama funny moments part 2
snake icon eSpores | wojeh london image London Male
marth icon KingCoxIII london image London 25 Male
piranha_plant icon Furball london image London 30 Other
ganondorf icon Galli-pila | Bosi360 london image London 22 Male Excited to get better :)
pyra_and_mythra icon Oscarbushy london image London 21 Male Yo
duck_hunt icon DAT | JEFF HARDY OFF TH... london image London 27 Male
pac_man icon gbsfranca london image London 21 Male Uni student? Join the LUSH Community!
ryu icon bigboy london image London 23 Male
cloud icon Aragorn london image London Male
pokemon_trainer icon Focus Miss london image London 24 Male All Focus.
roy icon J-squad | Blues london image London 23 Male ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠛⠁⠄⠄⠝⠛⢛⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠰⠟⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠛⢁⣀...
marth icon Turi london image London 21 Male I am inside your bones
captain_falcon icon Sh0ggle london image London 17 Male
king_dedede icon NutRoast london image London 27 Male Supporting the UK scene, One pint at a time.
yoshi icon Plats london image London 25 Male
bowser icon Sygnus london image London 25 Male
joker icon 0-6 | Or4nge london image London Male
toon_link icon OASIS london image London 20 Other for some reason the tag "Oasis" isnt allowed on the web...
marth icon !Lute london image London Male
falco icon LQuacks london image London 20 Male Follow the twitch!
byleth icon Ismail london image London Male The King of Lions
steve icon based yuri london image London 26 Male located in Porto , spiritually in London
isabelle icon Gallaxy_Taco london image London 16 Male Link mains have no father figure
rosalina_and_luma icon UOP | PenguinOfLite midlands image Midlands 21 Male UwU
ness icon BrowBoy midlands image Midlands 24 Male
joker icon Mago1211 midlands image Midlands 15 Male
toon_link icon WAR | Skaws midlands image Midlands 24 Male Toon Link is broken
yoshi icon Joycey midlands image Midlands Other Wash your hands
pokemon_trainer icon Ptr midlands image Midlands 20 Have you ever heard of melon milk ?
wario icon menis75 midlands image Midlands 22 Male
villager icon Quackery midlands image Midlands 20 Male the last remaining villager player since smash4
pikachu icon Simperheve midlands image Midlands 33 Male Mostly retired, but happy to play when asked!
peach icon Kazei midlands image Midlands 19 Male Tbh I just like peach cause she’s pink.
joker icon Kaycee midlands image Midlands Male
mario icon LSU | Kars midlands image Midlands 22 Other
villager icon Pjon midlands image Midlands 30 Male I dont even own this game
sora icon Wilksy15 midlands image Midlands 31 Male
inkling icon Claw midlands image Midlands 22 Male Cracked individual
link icon howl midlands image Midlands 22 Female
olimar icon Captain Koi midlands image Midlands 22 Male
Gamer tag Roles
kazuya icon JustJoker Player
ike icon Yashu Player
olimar icon Kasu Player TO
snake icon Kodiak Player
zelda icon EqualsBracket Player
lucina icon DB Player
jigglypuff icon Mr.Slapnuts Caster Player
pokemon_trainer icon SMPR | Asura Caster Streamer
captain_falcon icon Hawk-Eye | sab_by Player
snake icon eSpores | wojeh Player
marth icon KingCoxIII Player
piranha_plant icon Furball Player
ganondorf icon Galli-pila | Bosi360 Player
pyra_and_mythra icon Oscarbushy Player
duck_hunt icon DAT | JEFF HARDY OFF TH... Player Team manager TO
pac_man icon gbsfranca Designer Player TO
ryu icon bigboy Player
cloud icon Aragorn Player
pokemon_trainer icon Focus Miss Caster Player TO
roy icon J-squad | Blues Player
marth icon Turi Player
captain_falcon icon Sh0ggle Player
king_dedede icon NutRoast Caster Content creator Photographer
yoshi icon Plats Player
bowser icon Sygnus Player
joker icon 0-6 | Or4nge Caster Player TO
toon_link icon OASIS Player
marth icon !Lute Player
falco icon LQuacks Caster Content creator Player Streamer TO
byleth icon Ismail Player
steve icon based yuri Player Streamer
isabelle icon Gallaxy_Taco Player
rosalina_and_luma icon UOP | PenguinOfLite Player
ness icon BrowBoy Player
joker icon Mago1211 Player
toon_link icon WAR | Skaws Player
yoshi icon Joycey Caster Player
pokemon_trainer icon Ptr Player
wario icon menis75 Player
villager icon Quackery Player TO
pikachu icon Simperheve Player
peach icon Kazei Player
joker icon Kaycee Player
mario icon LSU | Kars Player TO
villager icon Pjon Player TO
sora icon Wilksy15 Player Streamer
inkling icon Claw Player
link icon howl Player
olimar icon Captain Koi Player
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