
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
corrin icon kirby icon
Noob A little -
chrom icon byleth icon ken icon
Noob Some -
captain_falcon icon donkey_kong icon samus icon
Intermediate None -
mewtwo icon ice_climbers icon
Intermediate Some -
pichu icon wolf icon
Advanced A lot -
sephiroth icon incineroar icon mewtwo icon
Intermediate Some -
TSS | Imzon
cloud icon kazuya icon
Advanced A lot -
sephiroth icon toon_link icon
Intermediate A lot -
lucario icon ryu icon ice_climbers icon
Beginner None -
link icon lucina icon
Doing okay A lot -
Pauls Taxis | BigManOrnstein
donkey_kong icon joker icon joker icon
Beginner Some -
bowser icon
Doing okay A little -
kazuya icon terry icon
Doing okay None -
BS | sp0derr
terry icon terry icon terry icon
Otherworldly A lot -
bayonetta icon terry icon kazuya icon
Advanced Some -
FCE | EnterMidnight
kirby icon terry icon
Doing okay A little -
lucario icon little_mac icon lucas icon
Noob Some -
fox icon captain_falcon icon
Noob A little -
SP & OVD | Red
pokemon_trainer icon wolf icon
Intermediate Some -
NX | Electric
jigglypuff icon jigglypuff icon jigglypuff icon
Intermediate None -
LUGES | C. Aureus
lucario icon
Advanced Some -
link icon
Beginner None -
CY | Afro
link icon
Doing okay Some -
pokemon_trainer icon
Intermediate Some -
byleth icon
Noob Some -
FCE | Circinus
ridley icon kazuya icon random icon
Intermediate A little -
rosalina_and_luma icon
Doing okay None -
MoonBlast | Kitsune
samus icon sonic icon mewtwo icon
Intermediate Some -
joker icon
Doing okay Some -
hero icon dr_mario icon piranha_plant icon
Intermediate A lot -
zelda icon
Doing okay Some -
lucas icon sephiroth icon
Doing okay A lot -
falco icon donkey_kong icon samus icon
Doing okay A lot -
TKO | Trillbi
roy icon donkey_kong icon
Advanced A lot -
SSA | Snowy
pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay Some -
TGP | Jamception
mega_man icon hero icon
Doing okay A lot -
steve icon falco icon sonic icon
Noob None -
corrin icon joker icon incineroar icon
Intermediate None -
Second Wind | Chakkie
wii_fit_trainer icon
Doing okay Some -
Big Fish | BF | Colm
king_dedede icon
Advanced A lot -
pokemon_trainer icon
Doing okay A lot -
PT | BBG | M4n
cloud icon ness icon
Noob A large amount -
diddy_kong icon ike icon cloud icon
Doing okay A lot -
LTB | Wilf
link icon sheik icon
Doing okay Some -
wolf icon wolf icon wolf icon
Doing okay Some -
inkling icon fox icon ridley icon
Doing okay A little -
Mayhem | Scorchin
joker icon byleth icon link icon
Intermediate A lot -
snake icon
Professional None -
LTB | Sekai
hero icon robin icon chrom icon
Beginner None -
sephiroth icon falco icon luigi icon
Intermediate Some -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
corrin icon DCONN northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 24 Male
chrom icon Jacky north_east image North East 24 Male TO for TKO and kicker of nuts
captain_falcon icon McNutt south_east image South East 24 Male
mewtwo icon Lobby south_west image South West 24 Male
pichu icon Charlyzard yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 24 Male
sephiroth icon Cheks north_east image North East 24 Male bit of a wildcard
cloud icon TSS | Imzon east_of_england image East of England 24 Male Owner of The Sixth Sense, member of G-Corporation, paneli...
sephiroth icon Fiendish south_west image South West 24 Male
lucario icon Patient north_west image North West 24 Female Trans rights
link icon Mashy midlands image Midlands 24 Male I am not crazy! I am not crazy! I know he swapped those n...
donkey_kong icon Pauls Taxis | BigManOrnstein wales image Wales 24 Other come on down, see devilishjoe.
bowser icon sketch wales image Wales 24 Male Bristol/Wales
kazuya icon South2k london image London 24 Male
terry icon BS | sp0derr south_east image South East 24 Male
bayonetta icon Proto-TIni yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 24 Male
kirby icon FCE | EnterMidnight yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 24 Male Poyo Poyo ftw
lucario icon Juno east_of_england image East of England 24 Female Gaming :)
fox icon Misc midlands image Midlands 24 Male hup hup hyahhh
pokemon_trainer icon SP & OVD | Red yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 24 Male
jigglypuff icon NX | Electric south_west image South West 24 Male jigglypuff does very cool things
lucario icon LUGES | C. Aureus north_west image North West 24 Male Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?...
link icon SnufKris 24 Other
link icon CY | Afro london image London 24 Male I have an afro. Also I am from Cyprus.
pokemon_trainer icon Bryn scotland image Scotland 24 Male
byleth icon Reol north_west image North West 24 Male retired (dead)
ridley icon FCE | Circinus yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 24 Female
rosalina_and_luma icon Stozzah yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 24 Male Number 1 Katahlyst fan
samus icon MoonBlast | Kitsune yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 24 Female Based, respectfully
joker icon Jaykob yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 24 Male
hero icon LocalGP north_east image North East 24 Male KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM
zelda icon KKBSTAN99 north_east image North East 24 Other Pocket Crocodile. Hold him in your hand. Keep him warm ...
lucas icon Just_Sam east_of_england image East of England 24 Male TO for inspired smash, inspired at all?
falco icon Euan north_west image North West 24 Male
roy icon TKO | Trillbi north_east image North East 24 Other They/Them. Roy and DK with experience in Fox. Head Tourna...
pyra_and_mythra icon SSA | Snowy south_west image South West 24 Male I've figured out how to lose as Aegis, and I do it fairly...
mega_man icon TGP | Jamception yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 23 Male Omw to become a nuisance of a player to play against
steve icon Komodo east_of_england image East of England 23 Male i play way more than 5 chars so here's 3 of them lmao
corrin icon Albedo south_east image South East 23 Male
wii_fit_trainer icon Second Wind | Chakkie london image London 23 Male SSBU Caster with exp. @ International level | Editor for...
king_dedede icon Big Fish | BF | Colm northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 23 Male Irish King dedede main trying to get better
pokemon_trainer icon red north_west image North West 23 Male 😈
cloud icon PT | BBG | M4n wales image Wales 23 Male $M4nCloud, Invest Now #SamidgeSucks
diddy_kong icon Serenity south_east image South East 23 Male
link icon LTB | Wilf north_west image North West 23 Male 20 | JRPG Enjoyer | Member of LTB | NW (Manchester) Smash...
wolf icon Superkill south_east image South East 23 Male
inkling icon Raime north_west image North West 23 Other haha hehe
joker icon Mayhem | Scorchin south_east image South East 23 Male Head TO of Mashing Mayhem tournaments. Co-Founder of Tea...
snake icon Hadderz wales image Wales 23 Male Goop
hero icon LTB | Sekai north_west image North West 23 Male
sephiroth icon Megu scotland image Scotland 23 Male maks Edinburgh/Wyverns Lair TO Heriot-Watt Esports Fig...
Gamer tag Roles
corrin icon DCONN Player
chrom icon Jacky Player TO
captain_falcon icon McNutt Player
mewtwo icon Lobby Player
pichu icon Charlyzard Player
sephiroth icon Cheks Player
cloud icon TSS | Imzon Player Streamer Team manager TO
sephiroth icon Fiendish Player TO
lucario icon Patient Player
link icon Mashy Player
donkey_kong icon Pauls Taxis | BigManOrnstein Designer Player
bowser icon sketch Player
kazuya icon South2k Player
terry icon BS | sp0derr Player
bayonetta icon Proto-TIni Content creator Player Streamer
kirby icon FCE | EnterMidnight Photographer Player Team manager
lucario icon Juno Player
fox icon Misc Player
pokemon_trainer icon SP & OVD | Red Caster Player TO
jigglypuff icon NX | Electric Player
lucario icon LUGES | C. Aureus Player
link icon SnufKris Player
link icon CY | Afro Player
pokemon_trainer icon Bryn Player
byleth icon Reol Coach Player
ridley icon FCE | Circinus Player
rosalina_and_luma icon Stozzah Player TO
samus icon MoonBlast | Kitsune Player
joker icon Jaykob Player
hero icon LocalGP Player
zelda icon KKBSTAN99 Player
lucas icon Just_Sam Player TO
falco icon Euan Player
roy icon TKO | Trillbi Caster Player Streamer TO
pyra_and_mythra icon SSA | Snowy Player Streamer
mega_man icon TGP | Jamception Player TO
steve icon Komodo Player
corrin icon Albedo Player
wii_fit_trainer icon Second Wind | Chakkie Caster Content creator Player Streamer
king_dedede icon Big Fish | BF | Colm Player
pokemon_trainer icon red Player
cloud icon PT | BBG | M4n Player
diddy_kong icon Serenity Player TO
link icon LTB | Wilf Content creator Designer Player Streamer Team manager
wolf icon Superkill Player
inkling icon Raime Player
joker icon Mayhem | Scorchin Team manager TO
snake icon Hadderz Player
hero icon LTB | Sekai Player
sephiroth icon Megu Caster Player TO
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