
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
king_k_rool icon ridley icon piranha_plant icon
Intermediate A little -
young_link icon joker icon corrin icon
Intermediate A little -
bayonetta icon mr_game_and_watch icon rob icon
Intermediate A little -
mii_brawler icon
Intermediate A little -
pit icon wolf icon
Noob A little -
captain_falcon icon
Intermediate A little -
RIZE | Zone
palutena icon pokemon_trainer icon
Noob A little -
LΠΔ | Phoenix
joker icon snake icon
Intermediate A little -
ike icon
Noob A little -
pikachu icon
Noob A little -
Av | Kalos
little_mac icon captain_falcon icon falco icon
Intermediate A little -
dark_samus icon steve icon samus icon
Doing okay A little -
bowser_jr icon captain_falcon icon joker icon
Intermediate A little -
joker icon inkling icon hero icon
Doing okay A little -
cloud icon yoshi icon sora icon
Doing okay A little -
fox icon zero_suit_samus icon diddy_kong icon
Doing okay A little -
falco icon lucina icon byleth icon
Beginner A little -
meta_knight icon inkling icon pichu icon
Noob A little -
Horde | Jax
sephiroth icon joker icon incineroar icon
Doing okay A little -
wolf icon rob icon
Doing okay A little -
LTB | WhiskeySSBU
wii_fit_trainer icon greninja icon
Intermediate A little -
peach icon
Doing okay A little -
little_mac icon terry icon rob icon
Noob A little -
kazuya icon marth icon sephiroth icon
Otherworldly A little -
kirby icon sonic icon
Doing okay A little -
toon_link icon peach icon young_link icon
Beginner A little -
pikachu icon mewtwo icon
Noob A little -
bayonetta icon
Noob A little -
snake icon bowser_jr icon
Doing okay A little -
link icon rob icon
Noob A little -
lucario icon
Noob A little -
toon_link icon inkling icon lucina icon
Noob A little -
sora icon
Noob A little -
donkey_kong icon donkey_kong icon donkey_kong icon
Otherworldly A little -
ridley icon
Intermediate A little -
Mayhem | Chidz
lucario icon
Noob A little -
mewtwo icon inkling icon robin icon
Beginner A little -
WAR | CiaoShibe
wii_fit_trainer icon
Doing okay A little -
fox icon captain_falcon icon
Noob A little -
king_k_rool icon donkey_kong icon king_dedede icon
Advanced A little -
bowser icon
Doing okay A little -
joker icon
Noob A little -
LTB | Memester06
marth icon cloud icon
Doing okay A little -
king_dedede icon kirby icon
Doing okay Some -
you aren't funny
corrin icon
Beginner Some -
Second Wind | Chakkie
wii_fit_trainer icon
Doing okay Some -
ness icon joker icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate Some -
fox icon falco icon
Doing okay Some -
Polygon | Igris
king_k_rool icon joker icon palutena icon
Doing okay Some -
snake icon joker icon roy icon
Noob Some -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
king_k_rool icon Wonder yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 16 Male
young_link icon converse53 east_of_england image East of England 18 Male Bit of a gunky goober
bayonetta icon FubukiSnow east_of_england image East of England 17 Cute Bee fact: Bees cannot communicate through sounds as...
mii_brawler icon Shapes midlands image Midlands 20 Male Uhh
pit icon NeoPixel london image London 21 Male
captain_falcon icon Millman north_west image North West 22 Male
palutena icon RIZE | Zone london image London 26 Male The power of the sun in the palm of my hand.
joker icon LΠΔ | Phoenix north_west image North West 20 Male
ike icon Yashu london image London 19 Male
pikachu icon Cyn midlands image Midlands 21 Male Kurapikachu
little_mac icon Av | Kalos north_west image North West 23 Male Best Little Mac in Mannih and UK
dark_samus icon Noventia scotland image Scotland 20 Male
bowser_jr icon MorganaP5 scotland image Scotland 19 Male
joker icon Mago1211 midlands image Midlands 15 Male
cloud icon aevol north_west image North West Male
fox icon SGI_Loxley northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 25
falco icon LQuacks london image London 20 Male Follow the twitch!
meta_knight icon Forsøgsrek midlands image Midlands 18 Male
sephiroth icon Horde | Jax east_of_england image East of England 22 Male
wolf icon Wikit north_east image North East 22 Male Gaming
wii_fit_trainer icon LTB | WhiskeySSBU north_west image North West 22 Male
peach icon Kazei midlands image Midlands 19 Male Tbh I just like peach cause she’s pink.
little_mac icon anchifomu yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 28 Male ko punch and fsmash go brrrrrrr
kazuya icon Gigass yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 23 Male Skidaddle skidoodle It looks like I lost the neutral
kirby icon Alo south_east image South East 22 Male poyo
toon_link icon Hurricane north_east image North East 21 Male
pikachu icon Schmear north_east image North East 24 Male Poggers
bayonetta icon CaptainToodle south_east image South East 25 Male
snake icon Evil east_of_england image East of England 22 Male graphic designer
link icon AlexOD midlands image Midlands 29 Male E
lucario icon Gem north_west image North West 31 Male
toon_link icon Faeylz london image London 28 Male
sora icon MrCooky midlands image Midlands 30 Male Casual AF but want to get a bit better
donkey_kong icon GOING TO WIN | GOING TO WIN east_of_england image East of England 17 Male I AM GOING TO WIN
ridley icon Sapphire99 midlands image Midlands 23 Male Proving Ridley isn't Low Tier
lucario icon Mayhem | Chidz south_east image South East 27 Male
mewtwo icon Ecco93 london image London 31 Male
wii_fit_trainer icon WAR | CiaoShibe midlands image Midlands 23 Male Head and Shoulders shampoo and conditioning you to shield...
fox icon Misc midlands image Midlands 24 Male hup hup hyahhh
king_k_rool icon SpaceboyG south_east image South East 17 Male Primarily heavy main, got anything wrong with that? (Also...
bowser icon sketch wales image Wales 24 Male Bristol/Wales
joker icon NinjaKiero yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 23 Male Dr Crazy and Jamception are the best players in the UK :)
marth icon LTB | Memester06 south_east image South East 18 Male Founding LTB member Still finding my footing but one ...
king_dedede icon Eredos south_west image South West 20 Male
corrin icon you aren't funny south_west image South West 23 Female Looking to reintegrate into the scene.
wii_fit_trainer icon Second Wind | Chakkie london image London 23 Male SSBU Caster with exp. @ International level | Editor for...
ness icon Blueboy_ssb north_west image North West 21 Male #00bbff is a hex code for deep sky blue, don't ask me again.
fox icon Neonradish north_east image North East 27 Male
king_k_rool icon Polygon | Igris yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 28 Male
snake icon Kodiak london image London 19 Male hehehehaw
Gamer tag Roles
king_k_rool icon Wonder Player
young_link icon converse53 Player
bayonetta icon FubukiSnow Player
mii_brawler icon Shapes Player
pit icon NeoPixel Player
captain_falcon icon Millman Player
palutena icon RIZE | Zone Content creator Player Streamer
joker icon LΠΔ | Phoenix Player
ike icon Yashu Player
pikachu icon Cyn Player
little_mac icon Av | Kalos Player
dark_samus icon Noventia Player
bowser_jr icon MorganaP5 Player
joker icon Mago1211 Player
cloud icon aevol Player
fox icon SGI_Loxley Player
falco icon LQuacks Caster Content creator Player Streamer TO
meta_knight icon Forsøgsrek Player
sephiroth icon Horde | Jax Player Streamer
wolf icon Wikit Player
wii_fit_trainer icon LTB | WhiskeySSBU Player
peach icon Kazei Player
little_mac icon anchifomu Player
kazuya icon Gigass Player
kirby icon Alo Player
toon_link icon Hurricane Player
pikachu icon Schmear Player
bayonetta icon CaptainToodle Player
snake icon Evil Designer Photographer Player
link icon AlexOD Player
lucario icon Gem Player
toon_link icon Faeylz Player TO
sora icon MrCooky Player
donkey_kong icon GOING TO WIN | GOING TO WIN Player
ridley icon Sapphire99 Player Streamer
lucario icon Mayhem | Chidz Player
mewtwo icon Ecco93 Player
wii_fit_trainer icon WAR | CiaoShibe Player
fox icon Misc Player
king_k_rool icon SpaceboyG Player
bowser icon sketch Player
joker icon NinjaKiero Player
marth icon LTB | Memester06 Player
king_dedede icon Eredos Player
corrin icon you aren't funny Player
wii_fit_trainer icon Second Wind | Chakkie Caster Content creator Player Streamer
ness icon Blueboy_ssb Content creator Player Streamer
fox icon Neonradish Player TO
king_k_rool icon Polygon | Igris Designer Player Streamer TO
snake icon Kodiak Player
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