
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
dark_pit icon fox icon
Doing okay Some -
pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay Some -
jigglypuff icon jigglypuff icon jigglypuff icon
Doing okay Some -
LTB | Memester06
marth icon cloud icon
Doing okay A little -
corrin icon byleth icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay Some -
BSCT|RST | cram ?
wolf icon ganondorf icon
Doing okay A large amount -
VIBE | Foltad
joker icon ganondorf icon donkey_kong icon
Doing okay None -
pichu icon
Doing okay Some -
SP | Jonesy
peach icon terry icon
Doing okay Some -
wolf icon min_min icon steve icon
Doing okay Some -
MANIA | Vyrus
pikachu icon
Doing okay Some -
incineroar icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay Some -
lucas icon sephiroth icon
Doing okay A lot -
chet hank hill
lucina icon falco icon sheik icon
Doing okay Some -
Dude | The Chazz
cloud icon
Doing okay Some -
LTB | Beshmel
captain_falcon icon jigglypuff icon joker icon
Doing okay Some -
donkey_kong icon
Doing okay Some -
TB | Dante
lucina icon
Doing okay Some -
pikachu icon pikachu icon pikachu icon
Doing okay Some -
WAR | CiaoShibe
wii_fit_trainer icon
Doing okay A little -
WAR | Selasi
mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay Some -
pac_man icon
Doing okay Some -
Horde | Galaxy
captain_falcon icon fox icon
Doing okay Some -
wario icon diddy_kong icon shulk icon
Doing okay A little -
hero icon
Doing okay Some -
ken icon ryu icon
Doing okay Some -
THS | Xehamork
pac_man icon
Doing okay A lot -
OVD | Spudmc
little_mac icon king_dedede icon terry icon
Doing okay Some -
THS | SaltyR
ganondorf icon
Doing okay A lot -
wario icon olimar icon young_link icon
Doing okay A lot -
falco icon donkey_kong icon samus icon
Doing okay A lot -
link icon pit icon toon_link icon
Doing okay Some -
Bee Doof
bowser_jr icon bowser_jr icon bowser_jr icon
Doing okay Some -
inkling icon wolf icon
Doing okay Some -
byleth icon palutena icon
Doing okay Some -
Showtime! | Kazooey
banjo_and_kazooie icon toon_link icon kirby icon
Doing okay A lot -
SP | Ginge
diddy_kong icon
Doing okay A large amount -
MunchEsports | zacerino
rob icon king_dedede icon king_dedede icon
Doing okay Some -
rosalina_and_luma icon
Doing okay A lot -
young_link icon donkey_kong icon inkling icon
Doing okay A lot -
kirby icon incineroar icon
Doing okay Some -
zelda icon
Doing okay Some -
pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay None -
OVD | Brenn
byleth icon lucina icon
Doing okay Some -
Big Fish | Blobavou
yoshi icon
Doing okay Some -
link icon sora icon kazuya icon
Doing okay Some -
LSU | Kars
mario icon
Doing okay A lot -
sheik icon ken icon
Doing okay A large amount -
donkey_kong icon piranha_plant icon mario icon
Doing okay None -
ice_climbers icon
Doing okay A lot -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
dark_pit icon KOMA london image London 23 Other komaefda
pyra_and_mythra icon Matilda Female
jigglypuff icon NP8 scotland image Scotland 19 Male
marth icon LTB | Memester06 south_east image South East 18 Male Founding LTB member Still finding my footing but one ...
corrin icon Suzumi north_east image North East 20 Female Gay people love Hatsune Miku. TO and Seeder for Durham Un...
wolf icon BSCT|RST | cram ? scotland image Scotland 30 Other im cram
joker icon VIBE | Foltad north_west image North West 21 Male
pichu icon caxx 23 Male hi im caxx
peach icon SP | Jonesy yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 30 Male
wolf icon Falsifier 22 Male just chillin tbhhh, hmu tbhhh
pikachu icon MANIA | Vyrus south_east image South East 27 Male
incineroar icon aldi yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 22 Male did you know that if you soak a raisin in grape juice it ...
lucas icon Just_Sam east_of_england image East of England 24 Male TO for inspired smash, inspired at all?
lucina icon chet hank hill north_east image North East 28 Male ass
cloud icon Dude | The Chazz yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 26 Male Big sword go brrr
captain_falcon icon LTB | Beshmel north_east image North East 22 Male Don't Get Hit
donkey_kong icon Shmayd yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 25 Male retired kinda
lucina icon TB | Dante midlands image Midlands 26 Male
pikachu icon Tu north_west image North West 21 Male characters broke
wii_fit_trainer icon WAR | CiaoShibe midlands image Midlands 23 Male Head and Shoulders shampoo and conditioning you to shield...
mr_game_and_watch icon WAR | Selasi south_east image South East 21 Male LET'S GO MK!!! g&w stocks stay rising <3
pac_man icon gbsfranca london image London 21 Male Uni student? Join the LUSH Community!
captain_falcon icon Horde | Galaxy 23 Female I'm tryna be the best commentator I can be, but being goo...
wario icon SBF north_west image North West 26 Male send me your meal deals
hero icon Yuusha north_west image North West 22 Male Here lies Erdrick 837-866 R.I.P.
ken icon Howla yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 25 Male Tatsu Time
pac_man icon THS | Xehamork north_west image North West 28 Male
little_mac icon OVD | Spudmc north_west image North West 25 Male
THS | SaltyR north_west image North West 25 Other
wario icon menis75 midlands image Midlands 22 Male
falco icon Euan north_west image North West 24 Male
link icon Nelly! yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 25 Female Link legend of Zelda <3
bowser_jr icon Bee Doof north_west image North West 31 Male
inkling icon Samidge wales image Wales 21 Male
byleth icon womble yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 22 Other my mum is very proud of me
banjo_and_kazooie icon Showtime! | Kazooey wales image Wales 29 Male
diddy_kong icon SP | Ginge yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 28 Male TO for SmashPoint, Running weekly MeltingPoints on Wednes...
rob icon MunchEsports | zacerino east_of_england image East of England Male hi
rosalina_and_luma icon Dugong south_east image South East 25 Male
young_link icon Tokusentai south_east image South East 26 Male I suck at this game
kirby icon Kenomorph north_west image North West 28 “Hiiiiiii!” - Kirby
zelda icon KKBSTAN99 north_east image North East 24 Other Pocket Crocodile. Hold him in your hand. Keep him warm ...
pyra_and_mythra icon violetdagod london image London 23 Other wonder if i'll ever be any good. i want to be good. but m...
byleth icon OVD | Brenn north_west image North West 25 Male Isle of Man
yoshi icon Big Fish | Blobavou northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 23 Male BIG FISH 🐟
link icon Ellroy678 north_east image North East 26 Male If I got a quid everytime I managed to take a game off Tr...
mario icon LSU | Kars midlands image Midlands 22 Other
sheik icon Schilt scotland image Scotland 29 Male
donkey_kong icon FoE midlands image Midlands 18 Male
ice_climbers icon Muppet scotland image Scotland 31 Male
Gamer tag Roles
dark_pit icon KOMA Player
pyra_and_mythra icon Matilda Player
jigglypuff icon NP8 Player
marth icon LTB | Memester06 Player
corrin icon Suzumi Player TO
wolf icon BSCT|RST | cram ? Player
joker icon VIBE | Foltad Player Team manager
pichu icon caxx Player TO
peach icon SP | Jonesy Caster Player TO
wolf icon Falsifier Player Streamer
pikachu icon MANIA | Vyrus Player TO
incineroar icon aldi Player
lucas icon Just_Sam Player TO
lucina icon chet hank hill Player
cloud icon Dude | The Chazz Player
captain_falcon icon LTB | Beshmel Player
donkey_kong icon Shmayd Streamer
lucina icon TB | Dante Community editor Player Team manager TO
pikachu icon Tu Player
wii_fit_trainer icon WAR | CiaoShibe Player
mr_game_and_watch icon WAR | Selasi Content creator Player
pac_man icon gbsfranca Designer Player TO
captain_falcon icon Horde | Galaxy Caster Player Streamer
wario icon SBF Photographer Player
hero icon Yuusha Player
ken icon Howla Player
pac_man icon THS | Xehamork Player TO
little_mac icon OVD | Spudmc Designer Player Streamer TO
THS | SaltyR Caster Player Streamer TO
wario icon menis75 Player
falco icon Euan Player
link icon Nelly! Player
bowser_jr icon Bee Doof Player
inkling icon Samidge Player
byleth icon womble Designer Player TO
banjo_and_kazooie icon Showtime! | Kazooey Community editor Player TO
diddy_kong icon SP | Ginge Player TO
rob icon MunchEsports | zacerino Player Team manager
rosalina_and_luma icon Dugong Player
young_link icon Tokusentai Player
kirby icon Kenomorph Player
zelda icon KKBSTAN99 Player
pyra_and_mythra icon violetdagod Player
byleth icon OVD | Brenn Designer Player TO
yoshi icon Big Fish | Blobavou Player
link icon Ellroy678 Caster Player Streamer TO
mario icon LSU | Kars Player TO
sheik icon Schilt Player
donkey_kong icon FoE Player
ice_climbers icon Muppet Player
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