
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
inkling icon joker icon
Expert A large amount -
bowser icon mii_brawler icon
Intermediate A little -
marth icon bayonetta icon
Advanced A little -
captain_falcon icon
Intermediate A little -
Galli-pila | Bosi360
ganondorf icon simon icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay Some -
snake icon
Doing okay None -
byleth icon palutena icon
Doing okay Some -
Big Fish Dobbs
sephiroth icon pikachu icon
Intermediate Some -
shulk icon
Noob A little -
fox icon greninja icon cloud icon
Intermediate Some -
SHZ | Octave
pac_man icon
Advanced A lot -
TND | Zenatti
pyra_and_mythra icon
Noob A lot -
mewtwo icon fox icon ridley icon
Intermediate Some -
pokemon_trainer icon roy icon
Intermediate A lot -
ELS LUSH | NRequiem
shulk icon
Otherworldly None -
CHG | Doppio!
zero_suit_samus icon steve icon
Intermediate A lot -
joker icon inkling icon
Advanced A lot -
daisy icon peach icon
Otherworldly Some -
jigglypuff icon
Doing okay A little -
dr_mario icon
Otherworldly A lot -
rob icon pikachu icon
Doing okay A lot -
wolf icon cloud icon ridley icon
Intermediate None -
kazuya icon zero_suit_samus icon
Intermediate A lot -
horde | DrSqueakr
mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate A lot -
mii_brawler icon steve icon
Intermediate A lot -
TLS | BackBone
sora icon daisy icon sonic icon
Intermediate Some -
Green de la Bean
hero icon wolf icon captain_falcon icon
Intermediate Some -
pit icon wolf icon
Noob A little -
marth icon
Noob Some -
jigglypuff icon
Intermediate Some -
king_k_rool icon bowser_jr icon piranha_plant icon
Otherworldly Some -
lucas icon
Advanced Some -
pikachu icon
Doing okay A little -
Mayhem | Toxin
luigi icon roy icon
Intermediate Some -
ICON | Turters
min_min icon kirby icon hero icon
Noob A lot -
pikachu icon
Noob A little -
inkling icon wolf icon
Doing okay Some -
pikachu icon duck_hunt icon
Noob None -
VIBE | Foltad
joker icon ganondorf icon donkey_kong icon
Doing okay None -
TSS | Paragon
roy icon steve icon palutena icon
Intermediate A lot -
WAR | Selasi
mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay Some -
lucina icon joker icon link icon
Noob A little -
Zeke von Genbu
cloud icon hero icon bowser icon
Doing okay Some -
mega_man icon sephiroth icon
Noob A lot -
wolf icon
Advanced A lot -
sheik icon roy icon
Noob Some -
ness icon joker icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate Some -
lucario icon
Professional A little -
pac_man icon
Doing okay Some -
Hawk-Eye | sab_by
captain_falcon icon wario icon
Professional Some -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
inkling icon Claw midlands image Midlands 22 Male Cracked individual
bowser icon Spooky east_of_england image East of England 22 Female
marth icon CJ east_of_england image East of England 22 Male Wandering competitive fighter always up for a challenge. ...
captain_falcon icon Millman north_west image North West 22 Male
ganondorf icon Galli-pila | Bosi360 london image London 22 Male Excited to get better :)
tori_energy south_west image South West 22 Female
byleth icon womble yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 22 Other my mum is very proud of me
sephiroth icon Big Fish Dobbs northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 22 Male
shulk icon TM | YIT london image London 21 Male #TROLL_MENTALITY
fox icon KaiLe north_west image North West 21 Male
pac_man icon SHZ | Octave scotland image Scotland 21 Male Hi I'm Octave. Scottish (Glasgow) Pac Man player sponsore...
pyra_and_mythra icon TND | Zenatti midlands image Midlands 21 Male Toaster Bath?
mewtwo icon Wangers north_west image North West 21 Male
pokemon_trainer icon MiCroE south_east image South East 21 Male
shulk icon ELS LUSH | NRequiem london image London 21 Male i̸̧̛͔̗̟̣͎̳̺͙̮͍͚̻̫̙̲̲̹̯͔̻͓̪̹̳̦͗̈́̆͆́̈́̍̿̋̍͌̆̈̊̒̑̒͒̈́̌̉̔̂͘̚͘͝ͅ...
zero_suit_samus icon CHG | Doppio! south_west image South West 21 Male Stream Chimphouse
joker icon zeroya south_west image South West 21 Male shieldgrab hater
daisy icon Rahmone london image London 21 Male
jigglypuff icon Xenfinite south_east image South East 21 Male Have a nice day man
dr_mario icon Koopa east_of_england image East of England 21 Male EEST INGERLAND
rob icon Benched yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 21 Male
wolf icon Colossus northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 21 Female
kazuya icon Mittens yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 21 Male
mr_game_and_watch icon horde | DrSqueakr south_east image South East 21 Male
mii_brawler icon Pumpkin yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 21 Other Bradford free
sora icon TLS | BackBone south_west image South West 21 Other
hero icon Green de la Bean midlands image Midlands 21 Male Hero Main
pit icon NeoPixel london image London 21 Male
marth icon Turi london image London 21 Male I am inside your bones
jigglypuff icon Braven midlands image Midlands 21 Male
king_k_rool icon Mushy ireland image Ireland 21 Male Cabra sweep
lucas icon Ktools yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 21 Other Lucas is high tier imo
pikachu icon PhantomCookie midlands image Midlands 21 Other
luigi icon Mayhem | Toxin south_east image South East 21 Male Sorry for being a luigi main but you gotta do what you go...
min_min icon ICON | Turters yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 21 Male Gaming
pikachu icon Cyn midlands image Midlands 21 Male Kurapikachu
inkling icon Samidge wales image Wales 21 Male
pikachu icon Kumori south_west image South West 21 Male
joker icon VIBE | Foltad north_west image North West 21 Male
roy icon TSS | Paragon east_of_england image East of England 21 Male
mr_game_and_watch icon WAR | Selasi south_east image South East 21 Male LET'S GO MK!!! g&w stocks stay rising <3
lucina icon Froggy north_east image North East 21 Male gamers rise up
cloud icon Zeke von Genbu yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 21 Male
mega_man icon Huwy south_west image South West 21 Other ;_;
wolf icon rapiD north_west image North West 21 Other Life has many mysteries. Why are we here? What is the m...
sheik icon R0gue east_of_england image East of England 21 Male
ness icon Blueboy_ssb north_west image North West 21 Male #00bbff is a hex code for deep sky blue, don't ask me again.
lucario icon bumpybeagle north_west image North West 21 Male :bumpybRover:
pac_man icon gbsfranca london image London 21 Male Uni student? Join the LUSH Community!
captain_falcon icon Hawk-Eye | sab_by london image London 21 Male yo mama funny moments part 2
Gamer tag Roles
inkling icon Claw Player
bowser icon Spooky Player
marth icon CJ Player
captain_falcon icon Millman Player
ganondorf icon Galli-pila | Bosi360 Player
tori_energy Player
byleth icon womble Designer Player TO
sephiroth icon Big Fish Dobbs Player
shulk icon TM | YIT Player
fox icon KaiLe Player
pac_man icon SHZ | Octave Player Streamer
pyra_and_mythra icon TND | Zenatti Caster Content creator Player
mewtwo icon Wangers Player
pokemon_trainer icon MiCroE Player
shulk icon ELS LUSH | NRequiem Caster Community editor Content creator Player Streamer Team manager TO
zero_suit_samus icon CHG | Doppio! Player
joker icon zeroya Player
daisy icon Rahmone Designer Player Streamer
jigglypuff icon Xenfinite Player
dr_mario icon Koopa Player
rob icon Benched Player
wolf icon Colossus Player
kazuya icon Mittens Player
mr_game_and_watch icon horde | DrSqueakr Player
mii_brawler icon Pumpkin Player TO
sora icon TLS | BackBone Player
hero icon Green de la Bean Player
pit icon NeoPixel Player
marth icon Turi Player
jigglypuff icon Braven Player
king_k_rool icon Mushy Player
lucas icon Ktools Coach Player
pikachu icon PhantomCookie Player
luigi icon Mayhem | Toxin Player
min_min icon ICON | Turters Player
pikachu icon Cyn Player
inkling icon Samidge Player
pikachu icon Kumori Player
joker icon VIBE | Foltad Player Team manager
roy icon TSS | Paragon Caster Player TO
mr_game_and_watch icon WAR | Selasi Content creator Player
lucina icon Froggy Player
cloud icon Zeke von Genbu Player
mega_man icon Huwy Designer Player TO
wolf icon rapiD Player
sheik icon R0gue Player
ness icon Blueboy_ssb Content creator Player Streamer
lucario icon bumpybeagle Player Streamer
pac_man icon gbsfranca Designer Player TO
captain_falcon icon Hawk-Eye | sab_by Player
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