
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
richter icon
Advanced Some -
Dude | The Chazz
cloud icon
Doing okay Some -
cloud icon roy icon kazuya icon
Intermediate Some -
joker icon sora icon
Otherworldly Some -
Big Fish Dobbs
sephiroth icon pikachu icon
Intermediate Some -
Galli-pila | Bosi360
ganondorf icon simon icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay Some -
Zeke von Genbu
cloud icon hero icon bowser icon
Doing okay Some -
0-6 | Or4nge
joker icon zero_suit_samus icon lucina icon
Doing okay Some -
pokemon_trainer icon
Intermediate Some -
samus icon young_link icon greninja icon
Expert Some -
LTB | iDoctorPP
donkey_kong icon mario icon pokemon_trainer icon
Intermediate Some -
CY | Afro
link icon
Doing okay Some -
sonic icon sephiroth icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Advanced Some -
yoshi icon king_dedede icon duck_hunt icon
Intermediate Some -
kazuya icon
Intermediate Some -
captain_falcon icon random icon
Intermediate Some -
ice_climbers icon mario icon chrom icon
Expert Some -
diddy_kong icon
Doing okay Some -
sheik icon roy icon
Noob Some -
little_mac icon
Intermediate Some -
ness icon joker icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate Some -
LTB | Wilf
link icon sheik icon
Doing okay Some -
you aren't funny
corrin icon
Beginner Some -
king_dedede icon kirby icon
Doing okay Some -
byleth icon corrin icon
Intermediate Some -
byleth icon palutena icon
Doing okay Some -
zelda icon
Doing okay Some -
bayonetta icon zero_suit_samus icon palutena icon
Noob Some -
eSpores | wojeh
snake icon
Intermediate Some -
pac_man icon
Doing okay Some -
OVD | Spudmc
little_mac icon king_dedede icon terry icon
Doing okay Some -
OVD | Brenn
byleth icon lucina icon
Doing okay Some -
SMPR | Asura
pokemon_trainer icon cloud icon
Doing okay Some -
LTB | Beshmel
captain_falcon icon jigglypuff icon joker icon
Doing okay Some -
Hawk-Eye | sab_by
captain_falcon icon wario icon
Professional Some -
chet hank hill
lucina icon falco icon sheik icon
Doing okay Some -
greninja icon
Intermediate Some -
donkey_kong icon
Doing okay Some -
MANIA | Vyrus
pikachu icon
Doing okay Some -
byleth icon
Noob Some -
SP & OVD | Red
pokemon_trainer icon wolf icon
Intermediate Some -
SP | Jonesy
peach icon terry icon
Doing okay Some -
wolf icon min_min icon steve icon
Doing okay Some -
TB | Dante
lucina icon
Doing okay Some -
Neo evans
pyra_and_mythra icon bowser_jr icon
Intermediate Some -
joker icon
Advanced Some -
SIP | Taistealaí Kathy
kazuya icon lucas icon
Doing okay Some -
incineroar icon pyra_and_mythra icon byleth icon
Intermediate Some -
corrin icon byleth icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay Some -
pikachu icon pikachu icon pikachu icon
Doing okay Some -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
richter icon Ire ireland image Ireland 19 Other I am SO real
cloud icon Dude | The Chazz yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 26 Male Big sword go brrr
cloud icon mmmmm northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 22 Male BIG FISH 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟
joker icon LTB | WWH yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 17 Male Sekai is goat
sephiroth icon Big Fish Dobbs northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 22 Male
ganondorf icon Galli-pila | Bosi360 london image London 22 Male Excited to get better :)
cloud icon Zeke von Genbu yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 21 Male
joker icon 0-6 | Or4nge london image London Male
pokemon_trainer icon Bryn scotland image Scotland 24 Male
samus icon LTB | CK northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 18 Male Yes
donkey_kong icon LTB | iDoctorPP south_west image South West 22 Male Streamer | Average Gym Lad | Comp SSBU | DK Enthusiast | ...
link icon CY | Afro london image London 24 Male I have an afro. Also I am from Cyprus.
sonic icon NiGHTS london image London 19 Male
yoshi icon Jester north_west image North West 23 Male
kazuya icon ST | R4PID ireland image Ireland 19 Male
captain_falcon icon Muramasa_NS scotland image Scotland 19 Male im a fucking baller bro
ice_climbers icon Phrey midlands image Midlands 23 Male Ice Climbers high tier
diddy_kong icon ChocolateFudge south_west image South West 23 Male
sheik icon R0gue east_of_england image East of England 21 Male
little_mac icon O.K. london image London 23 Male
ness icon Blueboy_ssb north_west image North West 21 Male #00bbff is a hex code for deep sky blue, don't ask me again.
link icon LTB | Wilf north_west image North West 23 Male 20 | JRPG Enjoyer | Member of LTB | NW (Manchester) Smash...
corrin icon you aren't funny south_west image South West 23 Female Looking to reintegrate into the scene.
king_dedede icon Eredos south_west image South West 20 Male
byleth icon Tcat yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 25 Male TO for FragSmash at the Uni of York
byleth icon womble yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 22 Other my mum is very proud of me
zelda icon KKBSTAN99 north_east image North East 24 Other Pocket Crocodile. Hold him in your hand. Keep him warm ...
bayonetta icon Beckett north_east image North East 22 Male quit w
snake icon eSpores | wojeh london image London Male
pac_man icon gbsfranca london image London 21 Male Uni student? Join the LUSH Community!
little_mac icon OVD | Spudmc north_west image North West 25 Male
byleth icon OVD | Brenn north_west image North West 25 Male Isle of Man
pokemon_trainer icon SMPR | Asura london image London 22 Male
captain_falcon icon LTB | Beshmel north_east image North East 22 Male Don't Get Hit
captain_falcon icon Hawk-Eye | sab_by london image London 21 Male yo mama funny moments part 2
lucina icon chet hank hill north_east image North East 28 Male ass
greninja icon 6pool midlands image Midlands 33 Male
donkey_kong icon Shmayd yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 25 Male retired kinda
pikachu icon MANIA | Vyrus south_east image South East 27 Male
byleth icon Reol north_west image North West 24 Male retired (dead)
pokemon_trainer icon SP & OVD | Red yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 24 Male
peach icon SP | Jonesy yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 30 Male
wolf icon Falsifier 22 Male just chillin tbhhh, hmu tbhhh
lucina icon TB | Dante midlands image Midlands 26 Male
pyra_and_mythra icon Neo evans midlands image Midlands 20 Male I play solo pyra cuase I'm kinda wierd lol have a pocket ...
joker icon Kevlar246 northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 20 Male
kazuya icon SIP | Taistealaí Kathy ireland image Ireland Female
incineroar icon ChubbyMonk40 south_east image South East 21 Male
corrin icon Suzumi north_east image North East 20 Female Gay people love Hatsune Miku. TO and Seeder for Durham Un...
pikachu icon Tu north_west image North West 21 Male characters broke
Gamer tag Roles
richter icon Ire Player
cloud icon Dude | The Chazz Player
cloud icon mmmmm Player
joker icon LTB | WWH Player
sephiroth icon Big Fish Dobbs Player
ganondorf icon Galli-pila | Bosi360 Player
cloud icon Zeke von Genbu Player
joker icon 0-6 | Or4nge Caster Player TO
pokemon_trainer icon Bryn Player
samus icon LTB | CK Player
donkey_kong icon LTB | iDoctorPP Content creator Player Streamer
link icon CY | Afro Player
sonic icon NiGHTS Player
yoshi icon Jester Caster Player
kazuya icon ST | R4PID Player
captain_falcon icon Muramasa_NS Player
ice_climbers icon Phrey Player
diddy_kong icon ChocolateFudge Player
sheik icon R0gue Player
little_mac icon O.K. Player
ness icon Blueboy_ssb Content creator Player Streamer
link icon LTB | Wilf Content creator Designer Player Streamer Team manager
corrin icon you aren't funny Player
king_dedede icon Eredos Player
byleth icon Tcat Player TO
byleth icon womble Designer Player TO
zelda icon KKBSTAN99 Player
bayonetta icon Beckett Player
snake icon eSpores | wojeh Player
pac_man icon gbsfranca Designer Player TO
little_mac icon OVD | Spudmc Designer Player Streamer TO
byleth icon OVD | Brenn Designer Player TO
pokemon_trainer icon SMPR | Asura Caster Streamer
captain_falcon icon LTB | Beshmel Player
captain_falcon icon Hawk-Eye | sab_by Player
lucina icon chet hank hill Player
greninja icon 6pool Player
donkey_kong icon Shmayd Streamer
pikachu icon MANIA | Vyrus Player TO
byleth icon Reol Coach Player
pokemon_trainer icon SP & OVD | Red Caster Player TO
peach icon SP | Jonesy Caster Player TO
wolf icon Falsifier Player Streamer
lucina icon TB | Dante Community editor Player Team manager TO
pyra_and_mythra icon Neo evans Player
joker icon Kevlar246 Player
kazuya icon SIP | Taistealaí Kathy Player
incineroar icon ChubbyMonk40 Player
corrin icon Suzumi Player TO
pikachu icon Tu Player
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