
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
sheik icon ken icon
Doing okay A large amount -
BSCT|RST | cram ?
wolf icon ganondorf icon
Doing okay A large amount -
ice_climbers icon
Doing okay A lot -
Iona Rose
bayonetta icon sora icon kazuya icon
Intermediate Some -
Aura | MazeBeans
steve icon banjo_and_kazooie icon king_dedede icon
Otherworldly A lot -
bowser_jr icon captain_falcon icon joker icon
Intermediate A little -
bonnie swag money
king_k_rool icon king_k_rool icon king_k_rool icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
No sponsor | Bowserboy0_0
king_k_rool icon little_mac icon kazuya icon
Advanced Some -
pokemon_trainer icon
Intermediate Some -
sephiroth icon shulk icon
Doing okay Some -
captain_falcon icon random icon
Intermediate Some -
SHZ | Griff
chrom icon
Advanced A lot -
mr_game_and_watch icon diddy_kong icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Intermediate None -
fox icon inkling icon wolf icon
Intermediate A lot -
cloud icon terry icon terry icon
Intermediate A little -
pikachu icon mii_brawler icon
Beginner None -
little_mac icon joker icon
Intermediate A lot -
Aura | NathanBoneCrush
joker icon diddy_kong icon kazuya icon
Intermediate A lot -
yoshi icon
Advanced Some -
CON | MaggieThatcher
lucina icon ganondorf icon greninja icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
zero_suit_samus icon joker icon ice_climbers icon
Noob Some -
Cruella de Vil!?
ganondorf icon zelda icon byleth icon
Intermediate Some -
SHZ | Octave
pac_man icon
Advanced A lot -
pyra_and_mythra icon pac_man icon inkling icon
Expert None -
kazuya icon byleth icon joker icon
Advanced None -
Japanese Cat
pikachu icon incineroar icon greninja icon
Beginner None -
swag | iamkiubi
sora icon
Noob Some -
dark_samus icon steve icon samus icon
Doing okay A little -
MOG | Jayg0
fox icon
Advanced A lot -
jigglypuff icon jigglypuff icon jigglypuff icon
Doing okay Some -
young_link icon roy icon byleth icon
Intermediate None -
sephiroth icon falco icon luigi icon
Intermediate Some -
snake icon banjo_and_kazooie icon
Doing okay Some -
byleth icon palutena icon robin icon
Noob A little -
pokemon_trainer icon lucas icon roy icon
Doing okay A large amount -
mewtwo icon ridley icon sephiroth icon
Expert A lot -
Mania | Metros
lucas icon
Doing okay Some -
Mayhem | Mmoose
diddy_kong icon
Intermediate None -
WS | NaTu
zero_suit_samus icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay A lot -
Mayhem | Kurogane
king_dedede icon king_k_rool icon little_mac icon
Otherworldly Some -
young_link icon
Doing okay A little -
palutena icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Intermediate A lot -
Mayhem / JBM | HarBBs
bowser_jr icon ken icon lucas icon
Advanced A lot -
wolf icon wolf icon wolf icon
Doing okay Some -
diddy_kong icon chrom icon marth icon
Beginner A little -
snake icon sephiroth icon
Professional A lot -
Horde | banjojo
banjo_and_kazooie icon
Doing okay None -
Mayhem | Chidz
lucario icon
Noob A little -
king_k_rool icon donkey_kong icon king_dedede icon
Advanced A little -
Mayhem | Toxin
luigi icon roy icon
Intermediate Some -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
sheik icon Schilt scotland image Scotland 29 Male
wolf icon BSCT|RST | cram ? scotland image Scotland 30 Other im cram
ice_climbers icon Muppet scotland image Scotland 31 Male
bayonetta icon Iona Rose scotland image Scotland
steve icon Aura | MazeBeans scotland image Scotland 19 Male THE mazebeans minecraft and world renowned minecraft and ...
bowser_jr icon MorganaP5 scotland image Scotland 19 Male
king_k_rool icon bonnie swag money scotland image Scotland 22 Female washed
king_k_rool icon No sponsor | Bowserboy0_0 scotland image Scotland 16 Male My name is Robert cooper and I hope to become really fuck...
pokemon_trainer icon Bryn scotland image Scotland 24 Male
sephiroth icon Grohlism scotland image Scotland 31 Male
captain_falcon icon Muramasa_NS scotland image Scotland 19 Male im a fucking baller bro
chrom icon SHZ | Griff scotland image Scotland 20 Male
mr_game_and_watch icon Widget scotland image Scotland 16 Male Drummer and gamer lad
fox icon FrinkZz scotland image Scotland 26 Male
cloud icon Beeni scotland image Scotland 19 Male Yee I do the fighting game
pikachu icon zappzed scotland image Scotland 15 Female
little_mac icon Danestat scotland image Scotland 23 Other
joker icon Aura | NathanBoneCrush scotland image Scotland 18 Male
yoshi icon Andi scotland image Scotland 22 Male
lucina icon CON | MaggieThatcher scotland image Scotland Female If you ever lose to me your milk is getting snatched
zero_suit_samus icon 2d scotland image Scotland 20 Female :)
ganondorf icon Cruella de Vil!? scotland image Scotland 26 Everyday is a good day to slay
pac_man icon SHZ | Octave scotland image Scotland 21 Male Hi I'm Octave. Scottish (Glasgow) Pac Man player sponsore...
pyra_and_mythra icon Alcaine scotland image Scotland Male
kazuya icon CoolGuy69 scotland image Scotland 20 Male
pikachu icon Japanese Cat scotland image Scotland 20 Male I playa the smsah brother
sora icon swag | iamkiubi scotland image Scotland 21 Female sora is fun :D
dark_samus icon Noventia scotland image Scotland 20 Male
fox icon MOG | Jayg0 scotland image Scotland 19 Male best
jigglypuff icon NP8 scotland image Scotland 19 Male
young_link icon WillyJ scotland image Scotland 25 Male
sephiroth icon Megu scotland image Scotland 23 Male maks Edinburgh/Wyverns Lair TO Heriot-Watt Esports Fig...
snake icon LoporritFan1738 scotland image Scotland 22 Female bad sorry
byleth icon ChefWombat south_east image South East 26 Male
pokemon_trainer icon Airfire south_east image South East 28 Male
mewtwo icon Griseous south_east image South East 22 Male
lucas icon Mania | Metros south_east image South East 25 Male Yes 😃 Let's go ! 😁 (x4) Let's go Southampton ! 😈 (...)...
diddy_kong icon Mayhem | Mmoose south_east image South East 17 Male
zero_suit_samus icon WS | NaTu south_east image South East 27 Male
king_dedede icon Mayhem | Kurogane south_east image South East 23 Male
young_link icon Naix south_east image South East 31 Male
palutena icon Hitei south_east image South East 28 Male
bowser_jr icon Mayhem / JBM | HarBBs south_east image South East 22 Male Full-time Graphic Designer, Part-time Labber. Ex-Solo Bow...
wolf icon Superkill south_east image South East 23 Male
diddy_kong icon Jumbo south_east image South East 24 Male
snake icon Yousef2AT south_east image South East 20 Male Hi, i'm an international student coming from the middle e...
banjo_and_kazooie icon Horde | banjojo south_east image South East 18 Male watch ranking of kings
lucario icon Mayhem | Chidz south_east image South East 27 Male
king_k_rool icon SpaceboyG south_east image South East 17 Male Primarily heavy main, got anything wrong with that? (Also...
luigi icon Mayhem | Toxin south_east image South East 21 Male Sorry for being a luigi main but you gotta do what you go...
Gamer tag Roles
sheik icon Schilt Player
wolf icon BSCT|RST | cram ? Player
ice_climbers icon Muppet Player
bayonetta icon Iona Rose Player
steve icon Aura | MazeBeans Content creator Player Streamer
bowser_jr icon MorganaP5 Player
king_k_rool icon bonnie swag money Player TO
king_k_rool icon No sponsor | Bowserboy0_0 Player
pokemon_trainer icon Bryn Player
sephiroth icon Grohlism Player
captain_falcon icon Muramasa_NS Player
chrom icon SHZ | Griff Player
mr_game_and_watch icon Widget Player
fox icon FrinkZz Caster Designer Player
cloud icon Beeni Player
pikachu icon zappzed Player
little_mac icon Danestat Player
joker icon Aura | NathanBoneCrush Player
yoshi icon Andi Player
lucina icon CON | MaggieThatcher Player
zero_suit_samus icon 2d Player
ganondorf icon Cruella de Vil!? Player Streamer
pac_man icon SHZ | Octave Player Streamer
pyra_and_mythra icon Alcaine Player
kazuya icon CoolGuy69 Player
pikachu icon Japanese Cat Content creator Player Streamer
sora icon swag | iamkiubi Player
dark_samus icon Noventia Player
fox icon MOG | Jayg0 Player
jigglypuff icon NP8 Player
young_link icon WillyJ Player
sephiroth icon Megu Caster Player TO
snake icon LoporritFan1738 Player
byleth icon ChefWombat Player
pokemon_trainer icon Airfire Caster Photographer Player
mewtwo icon Griseous Player Streamer
lucas icon Mania | Metros Player Team manager TO
diddy_kong icon Mayhem | Mmoose Player
zero_suit_samus icon WS | NaTu Player TO
king_dedede icon Mayhem | Kurogane Player
young_link icon Naix Player
palutena icon Hitei Player
bowser_jr icon Mayhem / JBM | HarBBs Community editor Content creator Designer Player TO
wolf icon Superkill Player
diddy_kong icon Jumbo Player
snake icon Yousef2AT Player
banjo_and_kazooie icon Horde | banjojo Player
lucario icon Mayhem | Chidz Player
king_k_rool icon SpaceboyG Player
luigi icon Mayhem | Toxin Player
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