
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
toon_link icon meta_knight icon chrom icon
Doing okay A lot -
falco icon lucina icon byleth icon
Beginner A little -
shulk icon sora icon
Noob Some -
A Fanta Lid
wii_fit_trainer icon
Intermediate Some -
Blue blur
sonic icon terry icon king_k_rool icon
Advanced A little -
0-6 | Chuan
cloud icon
Doing okay A large amount -
terry icon ken icon ryu icon
Intermediate Some -
Galli-pila | Bosi360
ganondorf icon simon icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay Some -
Cruella de Vil!?
ganondorf icon zelda icon byleth icon
Intermediate Some -
dr_mario icon
Otherworldly A lot -
link icon rob icon
Noob A little -
joker icon chrom icon
Beginner A little -
mr_game_and_watch icon diddy_kong icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Intermediate None -
joker icon
Noob A little -
EDM | Bloom4Eva
bayonetta icon random icon
Doing okay A lot -
LTB | Beshmel
captain_falcon icon jigglypuff icon joker icon
Doing okay Some -
incineroar icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay Some -
LUGES | C. Aureus
lucario icon
Advanced Some -
lucina icon roy icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
bayonetta icon mr_game_and_watch icon rob icon
Intermediate A little -
Mag tu
isabelle icon kirby icon wolf icon
Otherworldly None -
inkling icon joker icon
Expert A large amount -
Junk Dog
sora icon
Intermediate A lot -
Pauls Taxis | BigManOrnstein
donkey_kong icon joker icon joker icon
Beginner Some -
Horde | Dalax
terry icon min_min icon
Professional A large amount -
pikachu icon pikachu icon pikachu icon
Doing okay Some -
ryu icon ken icon kazuya icon
Intermediate Some -
sora icon
Noob A little -
rob icon duck_hunt icon
Intermediate Some -
steve icon hero icon
Intermediate A lot -
WRD | Frostbite
king_k_rool icon rob icon hero icon
Intermediate None -
king_k_rool icon bowser_jr icon piranha_plant icon
Otherworldly Some -
lucario icon
Professional A little -
shulk icon lucario icon
Doing okay A lot -
bowser icon
Doing okay A little -
NX/Horde | Loaf
mewtwo icon
Intermediate A large amount -
mii_brawler icon steve icon
Intermediate A lot -
bowser_jr icon
Otherworldly Some -
RNS | Gaia
steve icon steve icon rob icon
Otherworldly A lot -
sephiroth icon incineroar icon mewtwo icon
Intermediate Some -
young_link icon joker icon corrin icon
Intermediate A little -
isabelle icon
Doing okay None -
Dude | The Chazz
cloud icon
Doing okay Some -
Big FIsh | pascal
sheik icon snake icon
Doing okay A lot -
cloud icon roy icon kazuya icon
Intermediate Some -
Big Fish | Blobavou
yoshi icon
Doing okay Some -
bowser icon
Doing okay A large amount -
palutena icon
Intermediate A large amount -
robin icon samus icon dark_samus icon
Intermediate A large amount -
pikachu icon kazuya icon
Intermediate Some -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
toon_link icon OASIS london image London 20 Other for some reason the tag "Oasis" isnt allowed on the web...
falco icon LQuacks london image London 20 Male Follow the twitch!
shulk icon Dyna london image London 26 Male FFXIV: Dyna Zanarku Light/Zodiark
A Fanta Lid northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 23 Male Fana Lid
sonic icon Blue blur london image London 17 Male FALCON PUNCHHHHπŸ”₯⭐️
cloud icon 0-6 | Chuan london image London 26 Male ex TO for smash Singapore, tell me if you're playing smas...
terry icon ValentineUK wales image Wales 22 Other Ex-Competitive Welsh Smash player who now plays for casua...
ganondorf icon Galli-pila | Bosi360 london image London 22 Male Excited to get better :)
ganondorf icon Cruella de Vil!? scotland image Scotland 26 Everyday is a good day to slay
dr_mario icon Koopa east_of_england image East of England 21 Male EEST INGERLAND
link icon AlexOD midlands image Midlands 29 Male E
joker icon phone north_east image North East Female dubspol
mr_game_and_watch icon Widget scotland image Scotland 16 Male Drummer and gamer lad
joker icon NinjaKiero yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 23 Male Dr Crazy and Jamception are the best players in the UK :)
bayonetta icon EDM | Bloom4Eva east_of_england image East of England Male Do what you wanna do as good as you can
captain_falcon icon LTB | Beshmel north_east image North East 22 Male Don't Get Hit
incineroar icon aldi yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 22 Male did you know that if you soak a raisin in grape juice it ...
lucario icon LUGES | C. Aureus north_west image North West 24 Male Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?...
lucina icon JNg north_west image North West 20 Male ded
bayonetta icon FubukiSnow east_of_england image East of England 17 Cute Bee fact: Bees cannot communicate through sounds as...
isabelle icon Mag tu north_west image North West 28 Male Currently serving time in prison.
inkling icon Claw midlands image Midlands 22 Male Cracked individual
sora icon Junk Dog south_west image South West 28 Male Come to LFG! It's in Bristol!
donkey_kong icon Pauls Taxis | BigManOrnstein wales image Wales 24 Other come on down, see devilishjoe.
terry icon Horde | Dalax east_of_england image East of England 23 Male Check out my Twitter pinned for like everything about me....
pikachu icon Tu north_west image North West 21 Male characters broke
ryu icon Japie south_east image South East 25 Male Certified shoto masher
sora icon MrCooky midlands image Midlands 30 Male Casual AF but want to get a bit better
rob icon Lumen scotland image Scotland 25 Male carried and proud of it
steve icon zombi_eb ireland image Ireland 18 Female carried
king_k_rool icon WRD | Frostbite east_of_england image East of England 19 can I get an amen
king_k_rool icon Mushy ireland image Ireland 21 Male Cabra sweep
lucario icon bumpybeagle north_west image North West 21 Male :bumpybRover:
shulk icon SleepyBoi south_east image South East 23 Male bro this shit hard
bowser icon sketch wales image Wales 24 Male Bristol/Wales
mewtwo icon NX/Horde | Loaf south_west image South West 25 Other bread πŸ‘
mii_brawler icon Pumpkin yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 21 Other Bradford free
bowser_jr icon Pebble south_east image South East 22 Male Born to shit. Forced to wipe.
steve icon RNS | Gaia midlands image Midlands Male #BLOCKMANGRINDSET. RNS. Standing on the shoulders of giants.
sephiroth icon Cheks north_east image North East 24 Male bit of a wildcard
young_link icon converse53 east_of_england image East of England 18 Male Bit of a gunky goober
isabelle icon Zooker south_east image South East 22 Male Biology student who rejects good and popular characters i...
cloud icon Dude | The Chazz yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 26 Male Big sword go brrr
sheik icon Big FIsh | pascal northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 22 Male Big Fish! Best Sheik Ireland
cloud icon mmmmm northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 22 Male BIG FISH 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟
yoshi icon Big Fish | Blobavou northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 23 Male BIG FISH 🐟
bowser icon Tetsu east_of_england image East of England 32 Male Be you
palutena icon Lyto north_east image North East 29 better than tigerton
robin icon Samuroleon south_west image South West 25 Male better at mario odyssey and rayman legends than you
pikachu icon MigBee northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 22 Male Best Random in NI
Gamer tag Roles
toon_link icon OASIS Player
falco icon LQuacks Caster Content creator Player Streamer TO
shulk icon Dyna Player
A Fanta Lid Player
sonic icon Blue blur Player
cloud icon 0-6 | Chuan Caster Player TO
terry icon ValentineUK Player Streamer
ganondorf icon Galli-pila | Bosi360 Player
ganondorf icon Cruella de Vil!? Player Streamer
dr_mario icon Koopa Player
link icon AlexOD Player
joker icon phone Player
mr_game_and_watch icon Widget Player
joker icon NinjaKiero Player
bayonetta icon EDM | Bloom4Eva Player
captain_falcon icon LTB | Beshmel Player
incineroar icon aldi Player
lucario icon LUGES | C. Aureus Player
lucina icon JNg Player
bayonetta icon FubukiSnow Player
isabelle icon Mag tu Photographer Player
inkling icon Claw Player
sora icon Junk Dog Player TO
donkey_kong icon Pauls Taxis | BigManOrnstein Designer Player
terry icon Horde | Dalax Caster Content creator Player Streamer Team manager TO
pikachu icon Tu Player
ryu icon Japie Player
sora icon MrCooky Player
rob icon Lumen Player
steve icon zombi_eb Player
king_k_rool icon WRD | Frostbite Content creator Player
king_k_rool icon Mushy Player
lucario icon bumpybeagle Player Streamer
shulk icon SleepyBoi Content creator Designer Player Streamer Team manager
bowser icon sketch Player
mewtwo icon NX/Horde | Loaf Player Streamer TO
mii_brawler icon Pumpkin Player TO
bowser_jr icon Pebble Player
steve icon RNS | Gaia Content creator Player Streamer
sephiroth icon Cheks Player
young_link icon converse53 Player
isabelle icon Zooker Player
cloud icon Dude | The Chazz Player
sheik icon Big FIsh | pascal Caster Player Streamer TO
cloud icon mmmmm Player
yoshi icon Big Fish | Blobavou Player
bowser icon Tetsu Player
palutena icon Lyto Player
robin icon Samuroleon Player
pikachu icon MigBee Player
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