
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
sephiroth icon shulk icon
Doing okay Some -
Aura | MazeBeans
steve icon banjo_and_kazooie icon king_dedede icon
Otherworldly A lot -
falco icon bowser icon wolf icon
Advanced None -
Pauls Taxis | BigManOrnstein
donkey_kong icon joker icon joker icon
Beginner Some -
ELS LUSH | NRequiem
shulk icon
Otherworldly None -
ken icon wolf icon ryu icon
Advanced A large amount -
BS | sp0derr
terry icon terry icon terry icon
Otherworldly A lot -
wolf icon
Beginner A little -
link icon lucina icon fox icon
Advanced Some -
mega_man icon rob icon bayonetta icon
Beginner A little -
TR | Imeryll
wii_fit_trainer icon
Doing okay Some -
Big FIsh | pascal
sheik icon snake icon
Doing okay A lot -
J-squad | Blues
roy icon hero icon pit icon
Beginner A little -
RNS | Gaia
steve icon steve icon rob icon
Otherworldly A lot -
Polygon | Thagin
pokemon_trainer icon little_mac icon mii_brawler icon
Intermediate A lot -
hero icon dr_mario icon piranha_plant icon
Intermediate A lot -
KO | xPeliLuvrr
bowser_jr icon king_k_rool icon olimar icon
Advanced Some -
pokemon_trainer icon
Doing okay A lot -
SL | Lewboi
min_min icon
Intermediate None -
Big Fish | RavenRabbit
chrom icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Expert A large amount -
snake icon cloud icon random icon
Intermediate None -
PT | BBG | M4n
cloud icon ness icon
Noob A large amount -
Mania | Metros
lucas icon
Doing okay Some -
olimar icon olimar icon olimar icon
Otherworldly None -
joker icon inkling icon
Advanced A lot -
robin icon hero icon ganondorf icon
Advanced A lot -
TR | Degalla
greninja icon sephiroth icon dark_samus icon
Noob None -
TKO | Trillbi
roy icon donkey_kong icon
Advanced A lot -
robin icon samus icon dark_samus icon
Intermediate A large amount -
mewtwo icon fox icon ridley icon
Intermediate Some -
bowser icon
Advanced None -
palutena icon
Intermediate A large amount -
ness icon
Advanced A lot -
SHZ | Octave
pac_man icon
Advanced A lot -
TND | Zenatti
pyra_and_mythra icon
Noob A lot -
pikachu icon
Expert Some -
inkling icon roy icon robin icon
Beginner A large amount -
fox icon greninja icon cloud icon
Intermediate Some -
pichu icon
Doing okay Some -
rob icon duck_hunt icon
Intermediate Some -
wario icon olimar icon young_link icon
Doing okay A lot -
lucario icon
Noob A little -
jigglypuff icon jigglypuff icon jigglypuff icon
Doing okay Some -
SSM | Junko
byleth icon pichu icon wolf icon
Doing okay A large amount -
ike icon kirby icon byleth icon
Advanced A large amount -
SSM | Tigerton
byleth icon roy icon
Advanced A large amount -
SSM | Luma-nati
rosalina_and_luma icon incineroar icon
Doing okay A large amount -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
sephiroth icon Grohlism scotland image Scotland 31 Male
steve icon Aura | MazeBeans scotland image Scotland 19 Male THE mazebeans minecraft and world renowned minecraft and ...
falco icon Jammy south_east image South East Male
donkey_kong icon Pauls Taxis | BigManOrnstein wales image Wales 24 Other come on down, see devilishjoe.
shulk icon ELS LUSH | NRequiem london image London 21 Male i̸̧̛͔̗̟̣͎̳̺͙̮͍͚̻̫̙̲̲̹̯͔̻͓̪̹̳̦͗̈́̆͆́̈́̍̿̋̍͌̆̈̊̒̑̒͒̈́̌̉̔̂͘̚͘͝ͅ...
ken icon Pik london image London 24 Male
terry icon BS | sp0derr south_east image South East 24 Male
wolf icon MiniMo north_east image North East 26 Male
link icon howl midlands image Midlands 22 Female
mega_man icon Lily midlands image Midlands 25 Male looking for thick-thighed jock gamer boyfriend (please)
wii_fit_trainer icon TR | Imeryll midlands image Midlands Female
sheik icon Big FIsh | pascal northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 22 Male Big Fish! Best Sheik Ireland
roy icon J-squad | Blues london image London 23 Male ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠛⠁⠄⠄⠝⠛⢛⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠰⠟⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠛⢁⣀...
steve icon RNS | Gaia midlands image Midlands Male #BLOCKMANGRINDSET. RNS. Standing on the shoulders of giants.
pokemon_trainer icon Polygon | Thagin yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 22 Other Owner of Polygon Esports TO for Leeds Legacy
hero icon LocalGP north_east image North East 24 Male KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM
bowser_jr icon KO | xPeliLuvrr north_east image North East 26 Male why can't I post GIFs
pokemon_trainer icon Ptr midlands image Midlands 20 Have you ever heard of melon milk ?
min_min icon SL | Lewboi midlands image Midlands 18 Male
chrom icon Big Fish | RavenRabbit northern_ireland image Northern Ireland 23 Female I'm RavenRabbit, formerly known as Winter dreams. A prett...
snake icon kenoid
cloud icon PT | BBG | M4n wales image Wales 23 Male $M4nCloud, Invest Now #SamidgeSucks
lucas icon Mania | Metros south_east image South East 25 Male Yes 😃 Let's go ! 😁 (x4) Let's go Southampton ! 😈 (...)...
olimar icon Kasu london image London 20 Male if you bring a rivals setup to a tournament (preferably a...
joker icon zeroya south_west image South West 21 Male shieldgrab hater
robin icon WeedWizard yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 20 Male
greninja icon TR | Degalla midlands image Midlands 28 Male I'm alright at that streaming thing.
roy icon TKO | Trillbi north_east image North East 24 Other They/Them. Roy and DK with experience in Fox. Head Tourna...
robin icon Samuroleon south_west image South West 25 Male better at mario odyssey and rayman legends than you
mewtwo icon Wangers north_west image North West 21 Male
bowser icon Jhorx london image London 28 Male
palutena icon Lyto north_east image North East 29 better than tigerton
ness icon BrowBoy midlands image Midlands 24 Male
pac_man icon SHZ | Octave scotland image Scotland 21 Male Hi I'm Octave. Scottish (Glasgow) Pac Man player sponsore...
pyra_and_mythra icon TND | Zenatti midlands image Midlands 21 Male Toaster Bath?
pikachu icon Adivian midlands image Midlands 34 Male
inkling icon Brian ireland image Ireland 25 Male
fox icon KaiLe north_west image North West 21 Male
pichu icon caxx 23 Male hi im caxx
rob icon Lumen scotland image Scotland 25 Male carried and proud of it
wario icon menis75 midlands image Midlands 22 Male
lucario icon Gem north_west image North West 31 Male
jigglypuff icon NP8 scotland image Scotland 19 Male
byleth icon SSM | Junko east_of_england image East of England 27 Male
ike icon G-P east_of_england image East of England 31 Male
byleth icon SSM | Tigerton north_west image North West 27 Male
rosalina_and_luma icon SSM | Luma-nati yorkshire_and_the_humber image Yorkshire and the Humber 27 Male
Gamer tag Roles
sephiroth icon Grohlism Player
steve icon Aura | MazeBeans Content creator Player Streamer
falco icon Jammy Player
donkey_kong icon Pauls Taxis | BigManOrnstein Designer Player
shulk icon ELS LUSH | NRequiem Caster Community editor Content creator Player Streamer Team manager TO
ken icon Pik Player
terry icon BS | sp0derr Player
wolf icon MiniMo Player TO
link icon howl Player
mega_man icon Lily Caster Player
wii_fit_trainer icon TR | Imeryll Player TO
sheik icon Big FIsh | pascal Caster Player Streamer TO
roy icon J-squad | Blues Player
steve icon RNS | Gaia Content creator Player Streamer
pokemon_trainer icon Polygon | Thagin Caster Player Team manager TO
hero icon LocalGP Player
bowser_jr icon KO | xPeliLuvrr Player TO
pokemon_trainer icon Ptr Player
min_min icon SL | Lewboi Player
chrom icon Big Fish | RavenRabbit Player
snake icon kenoid Player
cloud icon PT | BBG | M4n Player
lucas icon Mania | Metros Player Team manager TO
olimar icon Kasu Player TO
joker icon zeroya Player
robin icon WeedWizard Player
greninja icon TR | Degalla Coach Designer Player Streamer TO
roy icon TKO | Trillbi Caster Player Streamer TO
robin icon Samuroleon Player
mewtwo icon Wangers Player
bowser icon Jhorx Player
palutena icon Lyto Player
ness icon BrowBoy Player
pac_man icon SHZ | Octave Player Streamer
pyra_and_mythra icon TND | Zenatti Caster Content creator Player
pikachu icon Adivian Player
inkling icon Brian Player TO
fox icon KaiLe Player
pichu icon caxx Player TO
rob icon Lumen Player
wario icon menis75 Player
lucario icon Gem Player
jigglypuff icon NP8 Player
byleth icon SSM | Junko Admin Player TO
ike icon G-P Caster Coach Player Streamer TO
byleth icon SSM | Tigerton Admin Community editor News editor Player Streamer TO
rosalina_and_luma icon SSM | Luma-nati Admin Community editor Designer Player Streamer TO
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